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Sam P. for Nov. 3

“I celebrate myself,” …and? The opening of “Song of Myself” as iconic text […]

Allison for Nov. 3

What lurks behind editing? We know now a great deal about his personal life through his letters, Memoranda, information given to us by our pals Reynolds, Morris, and Erkkila, but there still remains a void. Whitman, containing multitudes, is not easily pieced together. His poetry, though we can only speculate, reveals some thing deeper than […] […]

Whitman’s “Recycled” Words

Quick post about an observation that just occurred to me. I was just reading the Preface to the 1855 Leaves of Grass and I stumbled across these little nuggets: “The United States themselves are essentially the greatest poem.” and: “Here is not merely a nation but a teeming nation of nations.” and: ‘Here is action […] […]

Video Editing Workshop/Redemption Session

Bring TBJG back to the fold at the video editing session: Wednesday, November 4, 4:00 p.m., Combs 349. Bring your video uploads for hands-on help. If you can’t attend, contact TBJG directly to set up another session.

The Good Grey Poet Vs. The Boss

While waiting for my DC pictures to upload on Flickr/Facebook, I thought I’d do a quick post on an article I read today. Last night I started poking around on databases for ideas on what I should do my final project on, and I happened to stumble on an article called “Whitman, Springsteen, and the American […] […]

Favorite Manuscript Moment

I am indebted to Other Sam for drawing my attention to this very moving detail. One of the best things I saw at the Library of Congress was Whitman’s letter of December 29, 1862 (that is, exactly 106 years before the day I was born), to his mother about finding George in Fredericksburg. We were […] […]

Free tickets to Ford’s Theater for 19 people through Ticketmaster plus $2.00 access fee? $49.50. Thirteen hours of parking for three vehicles? $30.00. Bodily presence? Priceless.

Immediacy is something the Reverend talks about as a benefit of the blog, social networking technologies, and the great digital experiment that is Looking for Whitman. Presence. Accessibility. These are words we use a lot. So this week a question has been dogging me while I process Digital Whitman’s Saturday field trip to Washington City. […] […]

…”I depart as Air”…”You will hardly know who I am”…

This is wonderfully done! I think this creates a link, a bridge between Whitman and today in such a visual, and musical way. The music, the videography. I’m in love. This is probably what I’ll use as a model for my project. wonderful Video … […]

Looking for Whitman, or “Shut the Front Door!”

Well, if I am gonna be honest with myself I have to admit that I have been a total “beauty school dropout” this semester, I have been trying hard to keep up with my various duties, but the tidal wave … Continue reading […]

Sarah for Oct. 27

The love that Walt Whitman felt towards Abraham Lincoln can be divided into two broad kinds of love. The first is a personal infatuation bordering on obsession that could alternately be viewed as romantic, but strictly abstract, similar to the feelings of the devotees to Elijah Wood that roamed the halls of my school after […] […]

We’ll Take the Booth in the Corner

I’ve mentioned this podcast from Nate DiMeo at the memory palace before. I find it pretty poignant. It’s about the Booth brothers, especially John Wilkes’ older brother Edwin. Listen for a shout-out to Our Man Whitman [OMW]: Edwin Booth BOOST Here Edwin is looking pensive (or moping about his footwear): And here is a famous photo we saw […] […]

Ben for 10-27

Throughout the course of the semester, anyone who has been following my blog at all may have noticed a trend, namely that I spend far to much of my time dealing with which Whitman is speaking, or what aspect of the Kosmos is the reader partial to at this point. We have seen Whitman the […] […]

Because I missed the best field trip ever!

We now have a field trip blog that is aggregating all the posts from around Looking for Whitman that are tagged with “fieldtrip” (no quotes). So tag your field trip posts hippies so that I can join in the fun, and cry about all I missed.

Natalie for Oct. 27

Erkkila states that in “Lilacs,” “the poet . . . places a sprig of lilac on the coffin as a sign presumably of perpetual renewal and the unity of life” (231). I saw the lilac a bit less romantically, as indicative of the magnitude of grief– both the reminders of a death that never completely […] […]

Sam P. for Oct. 27

Song of the Bleeding Throat: Death in “When Lilacs Last in Dooryard Bloom’d” […]

Erin for 10/27

I don’t know if this is sad or disturbing, but at times I really identify with Whitman’s obsessive fanboy love for Lincoln. While I’ve never fawned over a politician, there are a few musicians that I’ve gotten a little unhealthily obsessed with over the years. This summer alone I drove four hours to DC to […] […]

Jessica Pike for October 27th

Obviously Whitman loved Abraham Lincoln. Countless lines of Whitman’s poetry, prose, journals, and lectures describe a deep admiration and love for the “Martyr Chief”. However, as I read Whitman’s expression of his love for Lincoln in the “Memories of President Lincoln” poems, I have to wonder if the love for Lincoln could be compared to […] […]

DC Trip pictures

So, since I have been so terrible about writing about our first field trip, here are some photos from our incredible trip yesterday: The centerpiece of our LoC tour! Emerson’s letter to Whitman about the 1855 edition Nuff said The good, gray … […]

Virginia for October 27th

We do a lot of joking and poking fun at Walt’s sexuality and his lovers, yet we also realize that it has so little to do with him, HIM, who he is to us. His infatuation with Lincoln has also been the butt of many jokes in our class. It is humorous, and especially hilarious […] […]

Taller Sam for October 27

Not surprisingly, the question posed to us this week feels very appropriate, following our trip yesterday. When we were able to sit in Ford’s Theatre and look up to where Lincoln had sat, it really brought the events of that day home to us. However, they remain abstract to us in so many important ways, […] […]

Lincoln: The Real American Poet?

I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about why Whitman was so in love with Lincoln (only a little bit of that is due to my jealousy). Between the trip to Ford’s Theater and the reading for this week I feel like I’m beginning to see what Whitman saw in him. To begin with […] […]

Meghan for October 27

Throughout our reading, Whitman has been a Lincoln-creeper (and I think that this was definitely solidified, when we saw the note yesterday that remarked how he had seen ‘hundreds’ of pictures of Lincoln). As I was reading this week, I tried to put Whitman not so much in the role of creepy Lincoln!fanboy, but rather […] […]

Allison for Oct. 27

To express oneself so freely, so eloquently, and in such detail denotes someone who is self aware. Whitman is extremely self aware and fully capable of exploring and identifying the “multitudes” within himself. I believe this heightened sense of awareness, which borders on prophetic at times, is what attracts Whitman to Lincoln. Whitman is able […] […]

Courtney for 9/27

Whitman and myself have been spending a lot of time together recently. What with a 12+ hour excursion through his old stomping grounds accompanying the usual weekend hours dedicated to him. Although my understanding of Whitman as a man has been illuminated, there’s still one thing that I can’t quite figure out: the Lincoln crush. […] […]

D.C. Field Trip: My Grumpy Saga

Quick Overview: Yesterday I left my house at 10am and did not return until 9:30pm. Rain. Wind. Lots of walking. Exhaustion. Grumpiness. Nap in Ford’s Theater. Library of Congress was awesome. At 11am we began our walking tour that took us around to the places that Walt Whitman worked at and wrote about, i.e. The […] […]