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Meg’s Final Project/Thing

Here is the link to my website, which contains all of my data and analysis. I also have the spread sheet with all the answers; I think the map is up but just in case: Whitman Spread […]

A Somewhat Field Trip Post

On our field trip to Washington DC, as we doggedly trekked back to the cars, Chelsea and I fell into conversation about Whitman’s letters. Of course, we were thrilled to have seen them and nearly touched them. The preciseness of Whitman’s handwriting and the possibility that one of the letters might have had his fingerprint […] […]

Where Meg Found Whitman

I found Whitman on Sandpiper Road, in Virginia Beach, VA. Because Whitman takes so much pride in being a “son of Manhatta,” it’s rather fitting that it was here, as this is where I (very proudly) hail from. Oh, PS: Excuse my crazy hair and the cameraman’s finger that apparently appears three-quarters of the way […] […]

Meghan for November 17

Oh, Walt. We’re pretty much at the final stretch for this class, and having dealt with his death (where I was a very weepy individual), it seems appropriate that we now look at what Whitman has left us. Or, to be more specific, I suppose, what the world has done with Whitman now that we […] […]

Celebrating Ourselves

Okay. While I was doing work on my project, I found this, and I think it definitely merits a look. Leaves Unbound attempts to showcase various selections in “Laves of Grass” involving interpretive dance, chamber choirs, and naked people. Lots of naked people. Apparently there is a lot of chanting of various lines in the […] […]

An Acme of Things Accomplish’d

This field trip is going to take more blogs than I’ll have time for, but here’s a shot at the first one. I’ve been a Virginian all my life, so Washington, DC has never been a big deal for me. I went on this field trip, however, with Whitman in mind, and it completely changed […] […]

Meghan for November 10

I’ve been thinking a lot about the debates we’ve had in class concerning which edition of LoG was the better one. By the end of everything, however, the results were inconclusive: the few of us that preferred the 1855 edition were still set in our ways, as well as those who preferred the 1891-92 edition. […] […]

Meghan for November 3

At the very beginning of this course, someone remarked that the 1855 edition of “Song of Myself” (or perhaps it was Leaves of Grass in general) was considered to be the superior text, and honestly, I think I have to agree. I know it’s more or less stating the obvious, but the speaker seems so […] […]

Meghan for October 27

Throughout our reading, Whitman has been a Lincoln-creeper (and I think that this was definitely solidified, when we saw the note yesterday that remarked how he had seen ‘hundreds’ of pictures of Lincoln). As I was reading this week, I tried to put Whitman not so much in the role of creepy Lincoln!fanboy, but rather […] […]

Culture Museum: Lincoln’s Funeral/Cortege

Lincoln was shot on April 15, 1865, at Ford’s Theater in Washington, DC (Kunhardt 119). Within hours of his death, Washington was scrambling to work on the preparations. The undertaker worked nearly nonstop 24 hours to produce Lincoln’s $1500 coffin, which measured 6 feet 6 inches long, a tight fit for Lincoln’s 6 feet 4 […] […]

Horribly Belated Field Trip Post for which I am Sorry

Here are some (terribly belated) pictures of our trip to the Fredericksburg Battlefield and Chatham. I’m sorry it’s taken so long; Flickr hasn’t been uploading my pictures quite right. All right. That’s all for now. I have a written post that I’m finishing up; I’m just tweaking it so that I say exactly what I want […] […]

Meghan for October 20

While considering the questions for this week, I failed to see how Whitman’s relationship with the wounded soldiers and his relationship with the reader were all that different (aside, perhaps, from the erotic motives of the former). Or, to put it better, I couldn’t help but draw connections between the two. Whitman portrays the good […] […]

Whitman Hunt

In my New Media class, we’re discussing the concepts of ARGs, which are kind of like simulated quests with storylines. Here’s a website about them: Anyway, one of the ARGs that the class is playing is called “Who is Grayson OziasIV, and where is his fortune?” It’s sponsored by our friends at Levi Strauss, and […] […]

Meghan for October 6

When we talk the periods of Whitman’s writing (or even every individual edition), Isometimes feel as if we’re talking about a different person, or at least something vaguely schizophrenic. Whitman goes through so much in the war; he goes from being the man who feels all and yet has done very little (in terms of […] […]

Claim Staking Annotating Awesomeness

Hey Guys, Group A is staking a claim on “The Wound Dresser.” Love, Meg […]

Meghan for Sept 29

All right, so. The Civil War. It’s a subject we Southerners know like the back of our hands, and sometimes I think I learned what the Confederate flag was just as early as the American one (if only because I saw so many floating around the backs of every truck that passed me by. I […] […]

Meghan for Sept 22

“Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking” is perhaps one of my newest favorite Whitman poems. The theme of death is rampant in it, and at times, the imagery of the lost mates made me ache. But, despite all the loss, there is hope within the text; to quote a great movie and even greater king, […] […]

Post 9/15 class

There are so many things that I want to say, or ask, or do in response to Whitman. I guess the best place to start tonight is that I’m still trying to place Whitman in the scheme of religion–in his own personal, in the Christian, and in others. I know we’ve gone over it extensively, […] […]

Meghan for Sept 15

Okay, so this is going to sound kind of weird, but hear me out. When I was reading Calamus, I couldn’t help but start comparing many of the concepts in here to those of ancient Greece. Even the name, Calamus, is associated with Greek mythology; it was the name of a man who was turned […] […]

Meghan’s Image Gloss

“To his work without flinching the accoucheur comes…” (”Song of Myself” 85) An accoucheur is a french term used to describe a male midwife, or obstetrician. It was first bestowed upon Juliann Clement by King Louis XIV in order to distinguish his work from the much more disregarded midwives. Following this, the study of birth became […] […]

Meghan for Sept 8.

While I was reading this week, I spent some time grappling with the idea of Whitman’s America. Among his editorials, poetry, and my own sense of reality, he creates a sort of contradiction (and where else would there be a contradiction but in Whitman) between his poetry and editorials. How could he characterize America as […]

Song of Meghan

I have heard the talkers were talking…the talk of

the beginning and the end,

But I do not talk of the beginning or the end.

There was never any more inception than there is now,

Nor any more youth […]

Meghan for Sept. 1

Whitman as a writer kind of leaves me breathless; I always need to take an hour or two to clear my head after I put him down, because his words often fill me with more ideas and thoughts than I can express (which is why I’m sure by the time this is posted, I will […] […]

Hello world!

Welcome to Looking for Whitman. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! […]