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Whitman for the Kemp Symposium

Here’s the space as promised in my email. What format/content should we propose for the Kemp Symposium? My email suggested two possibilities: a more academic panel on Whitman and the literature itself, or a tech-based panel highlighting the more digital projects produced throughout the course. Another idea would be something that focused more specifically on […]

Beautiful Dreamers

Here is the trailer for the Whitman film I mentioned in class titled Beautiful Dreamers (1990). What’s more is that it features Rip Torn as Whitman, and takes place in Canada because Whitman couldn’t afford prescription drugs in the US.

Check it out:


memoranda intro […]

re: Tues 11/17 and beyond

All poems for Tuesday, Nov. 17 are now loaded at the end of the Readings page.

There are a few questions on the syllabus for next week, and here are a few more you might consider about the poets you read:

How does W’s vision of democracy become reincarnated or altered in these poets? How […]

The Vault is Open

Hey Weepy Whitmaniacs,

The Vault is now open for business with a very thought-provoking prompt about the Levi’s ads (and a shout out to Dr. Earnhart!). Hope you can find time to contribute. (Live link if you click open this post.)

Whitman Across Campuses

The following suggestion for a reflective blog post came from Professor Gold at CUNY:

Write a blog post that makes an explicit connection between our reading for this course and a blog post written by a student in another course in the project from a different location. Compare the the “Whitmans” of the two project […]

Two photos

Another of Whitman and Doyle from 1869 to complement the marriage photo: Whitman in Camden house, 1891 (is he wearing my academic robes?): […]

O Lincoln, My Lincoln

Here is a more focused set of my photos from Digital Whitman’s DC visit, which we made two days before discussing Whitman’s Lincoln writings/lecture in class. When we went into the actual theater (or, in some of my students’ cases, the napping room–shame on you!), I was disappointed at first that the guard ushered me upstairs […] […]

Chelsea for November 3

All right, this post might be a bit of a stretch, but bear with me on some ideas I had/have about a difference between the 1855 Leaves of Grass and the 1892 Leaves of Grass, particularly in nuances between the two versions of “Song of Myself.” In the 1855 version of this poem, Whitman names […] […]

Video Editing Workshop/Redemption Session

Bring TBJG back to the fold at the video editing session: Wednesday, November 4, 4:00 p.m., Combs 349. Bring your video uploads for hands-on help. If you can’t attend, contact TBJG directly to set up another session.

Favorite Manuscript Moment

I am indebted to Other Sam for drawing my attention to this very moving detail. One of the best things I saw at the Library of Congress was Whitman’s letter of December 29, 1862 (that is, exactly 106 years before the day I was born), to his mother about finding George in Fredericksburg. We were […] […]

Free tickets to Ford’s Theater for 19 people through Ticketmaster plus $2.00 access fee? $49.50. Thirteen hours of parking for three vehicles? $30.00. Bodily presence? Priceless.

Immediacy is something the Reverend talks about as a benefit of the blog, social networking technologies, and the great digital experiment that is Looking for Whitman. Presence. Accessibility. These are words we use a lot. So this week a question has been dogging me while I process Digital Whitman’s Saturday field trip to Washington City. […] […]

We’ll Take the Booth in the Corner

I’ve mentioned this podcast from Nate DiMeo at the memory palace before. I find it pretty poignant. It’s about the Booth brothers, especially John Wilkes’ older brother Edwin. Listen for a shout-out to Our Man Whitman [OMW]: Edwin Booth BOOST Here Edwin is looking pensive (or moping about his footwear): And here is a famous photo we saw […] […]

Because I missed the best field trip ever!

We now have a field trip blog that is aggregating all the posts from around Looking for Whitman that are tagged with “fieldtrip” (no quotes). So tag your field trip posts hippies so that I can join in the fun, and cry about all I missed.

Chelsea for October 27

Though in Erkkila’s essay, “Burying President Lincoln,” she asserts that, “Although Lincoln was shot on Good Friday and died the following day, Whitman avoids the obvious Lincoln—Christ symbolism [in “Where Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d,”] preferring instead the local symbolism of lilac and star, which were associated in his imagination with the time of […] […]

A Message from Beyond

An email I received from a former student. The eyes are everywhere, people: Hey Professor, Long time no talk. I hope all is going well this semester at UMW. I miss the environment there greatly. I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been following along with the Exploring Whitman blog as much as possible, and […] […]

Chelsea’s Material Culture Museum Entry: Ford’s Theatre

Ford’s Theatre 1865’s%20Assassination.asp Presidential Box 1865 Ford’s Theatre Now Ford’s Theatre sits at 511 10th Street NW, the site originally occupied by the First Baptist Church of Washington which was built in 1833. In 1859, the congregation abandoned the building when they merged with the Fourth Baptist Congregation formed on 13th Street. After a few years of occasional […] […]

Saturday, October 24, Washington City: Some Info

Whitmaniacs, A few notes for Saturday (check for updates!): 1. Carpool rendez-vous: Jefferson Circle behind Combs at 9:00 a.m. 2. Parking in DC: 1201 F St. NW, 20005 Take 95 North to 395 North (follow signs from 95 for 395/495/Washington/Tysons) On 395, take 12th Street exit toward L’Enfant Promenade 12th Street (follow slight left at 11th St SW/12th street tunnel) Left onto […] […]

Horribly Belated Field Trip Post for which I am Sorry

Here are some (terribly belated) pictures of our trip to the Fredericksburg Battlefield and Chatham. I’m sorry it’s taken so long; Flickr hasn’t been uploading my pictures quite right. All right. That’s all for now. I have a written post that I’m finishing up; I’m just tweaking it so that I say exactly what I want […] […]

Virginia for October 20

I think the best quote that personifies the answer to the prompt questions this week is from Calder’s “Persona Recollections of Walt Whitman”. She mentions that when Whitman heard about a soldier from the West who had never seen an orange, he immediately brought oranges to that soldier on his next visit. I find it […] […]

Material Culture Museum Entry, Soldiers’ Home

Lincoln’s Cottage, Soldier’s Home Founding and History of Soldiers’ Home Founded by a Major General, General, and a Senator on March 3, 1851 after the suggestion of an Army Asylum in his Annual Message to the President in November of 1827 by Secretary of War James Barbour. Thus, it took almost 30 years before action was taken […] […]

Erin for 9/20

Every week, I feel like I learn something new about Whitman. This week I learned that Whitman was apparently a racist. I suppose I had just assumed that since he was a forward thinker, and that he wrote about sheltering a runaway slave in Song of Myself that he was for equality. Of course this […] […]

Whitman, we need to talk

Obviously I’m a big fan of Whitman. If you haven’t realized that yet you may need to stop sleeping during class. However, reading the Morris article I was forced to come to terms with a side of Whitman that I’m not so much a fan of. He was kind of racist, and by kind of […] […]

Sam Krieg for October 20

Today I am going to consider Whitman’s troubles maintaining close friendships, and how that may reflect on his relationship to his readers. Throughout our readings for this week, Whitman’s relationship with William Douglas O’Conner is repeatedly mentioned. Whitman’s relationship with O’Conner interests me because it seems very reminiscent of what most of the students […] […]

Meghan for October 20

While considering the questions for this week, I failed to see how Whitman’s relationship with the wounded soldiers and his relationship with the reader were all that different (aside, perhaps, from the erotic motives of the former). Or, to put it better, I couldn’t help but draw connections between the two. Whitman portrays the good […] […]