DC Trip pictures

So, since I have been so terrible about writing about our first field trip, here are some photos from our incredible trip yesterday:
Walt Whitman's messenger bag
The centerpiece of our LoC tour!
Ralph Waldo Emerson's letter to Walt Whitman
Emerson’s letter to Whitman about the 1855 edition
Walt Whitman Way
Nuff said
Walt Whitman's face
The good, gray poet
Ford's Theatre presidential box
Lincoln’s fateful box seat

October 25 2009 09:26 pm | Uncategorized

4 Responses to “DC Trip pictures”

  1. Matthew Gold Says:

    Excellent! I’m looking forward to seeing more photos and reading more posts about what sounds like an amazing trip.

  2. chelseanewnam Says:

    Virginia is my favorite in the first picture…haha.

  3. admin Says:

    What brilliant images Sam, I love it!

  4. missvirginia Says:

    Hahahah, I’m the least photogenic person EVER. But it was for Walt AND HIS BAG, i still can’t believe that I was RIGHT THERE. I pretty much breathed on it, in my flabbergasted state. I wouldn’t have traded this experience for the world :)

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