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Whitman Video Locator

Mara Scanlon recently attended a Google Docs workshop with DTLT’s own Martha Burtis and came away with a pretty impressive idea. One of the projects the Digital Whitman students at UMW (and elsewhere in the Looking for Whitman project) is … Continue reading […]

Doodle Poll

Here is a Doodle Poll for a possible video editing session.

I’m just a beard

We played with the Flip video cameras we got at UMW for the Digital Whitman class this past Tuesday, and we all had some fun both reading selections from “Song of Myself” and recording one another from all kinds of … Continue reading […]

social networking features of BuddyPress

One of the remarkable and unique aspects of the Looking for Whitman project lies in the way it harnesses familiar social networking tools in service of a richer learning experience through the BuddyPress plugin and navigation bar at the top of your screen. […]

Writing and publishing a post

Writing and publishing a post is probably the first thing you’ll need to do once you create your own Looking for Whitman blog. […]

Video Tutorial: Google My Maps

This is a great resource for anyone looking for a quick introduction to the My Maps feature of Google. […]

“Walt Whitman’s Niece”

From Billy Bragg and Wilco’s Mermaid Avenue, an album of Woody Guthrie lyrics they set to music. I’ve been listening to the song for years but never realized until last week in Camden that Whitman’s last surviving direct descendant was, in fact, some kind of niece. […]

PBS Documentary: Whitman and the Civil War

nbsp;… “The Civil War” (8:20)… “Drum-Taps” (8:40) Two episodes from a pretty cool series (online and free–the whole thing is at…) featuring our own Karen Karbiener as well as other scholars and writers including Ed Folsom, Ken Price, Alan Garganus, and Yusef Komunyakaa. […]