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Finding Whitman

Reading “Give Me the Splendid Silent Sun” at the Fredericksburg Battlefield. […]

Belated Partial Field Trip Post

When we were at the Fredericksburg battlefield the park ranger there let me take pictures of the photos of the pictures she showed the tour group. I took a few of them and then lined them up with current day pictures: This one isn’t of the battlfield, but the man on the left was a […] […]

More Videos from 10/3 Field Trip


If I was WW, where would I be?

I friend of mine came down to visit last weekend. She’s from Philadelphia and over the summer she was in a play about Walt Whitman’s life. The coolest thing is that the play was in Camden and they performed it in the graveyard where he’s buried. When I told her about this class she was […] […]

Selected Civil War Era Maps of Fredericksburg

Our town around the time Whitman came here to look for his brother George, in late 1862. […]