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Final Project – Whitman in American Media

Follow the link! […]

Finding Whitman

Reading “Give Me the Splendid Silent Sun” at the Fredericksburg Battlefield. […]

My Contribution to the Whitman Legacy

A poem I wrote earlier in the semester. […]

Erin for 11/17

Preface to this blog: I got a little off-topic. Also, reference to Bruce Springsteen may seem out of the blue if you haven’t read my previous post on an article I read comparing Walt to the Boss, which can be found here. One of the things that I find fascinating about Whitman is that, while […] […]

Erin for 11/10

The prompt for this week reminded me of something I had thought about while reading about the ARG being sponsored by Levi’s right now (the GO FORTH treasure hunt game that goes along with those commercials). In the game someone was given an 1882 edition of Leaves of Grass to use as a cipher for […] […]

Erin for 11/4 (in which I get a little blubbery)

In reading the deathbed version of Song of Myself, I don’t know how much the speaker had changed in actuality from the 1855 speaker, and how much change I was simply adding in from my knowledge of Whitman, and the relationship I now have with him and his work. In reading the 1855 version, I […] […]

The Good Grey Poet Vs. The Boss

While waiting for my DC pictures to upload on Flickr/Facebook, I thought I’d do a quick post on an article I read today. Last night I started poking around on databases for ideas on what I should do my final project on, and I happened to stumble on an article called “Whitman, Springsteen, and the American […] […]

Erin for 10/27

I don’t know if this is sad or disturbing, but at times I really identify with Whitman’s obsessive fanboy love for Lincoln. While I’ve never fawned over a politician, there are a few musicians that I’ve gotten a little unhealthily obsessed with over the years. This summer alone I drove four hours to DC to […] […]

Belated Partial Field Trip Post

When we were at the Fredericksburg battlefield the park ranger there let me take pictures of the photos of the pictures she showed the tour group. I took a few of them and then lined them up with current day pictures: This one isn’t of the battlfield, but the man on the left was a […] […]

Cultural Museum Entry: Surgical Saws in the Civil War

Background: Surgical saws and tools have been in use since at least 3000 B.C. The first known surgical armamentaria, the equivalent of a Civil War surgeon’s kit, was found in Pompeii, and dates back to 79 A.D. (Kirkup 21). Surgeon’s tools at the time were composed from many materials, including copper, bronze, silver and steel […] […]

Erin for 9/20

Every week, I feel like I learn something new about Whitman. This week I learned that Whitman was apparently a racist. I suppose I had just assumed that since he was a forward thinker, and that he wrote about sheltering a runaway slave in Song of Myself that he was for equality. Of course this […] […]

Semi-Whitman Related Findings in Front Royal

I spent my break in Front Royal, and happened to go there on a day where they were having a street festival or something. Anyway, they had a little Confederate museum tucked away in the downtown area, and because of the festival we got to go for free! So two things that I think are […] […]

Erin for 10/6

A lot of what I was thinking about this week had to do with how Whitman compares to other civil war poets. Since my presentation this week is on “other civil war poetry” I’ve been reading Drum-Taps with the other poets in mind. It’s still weird to me how often times Whitman seems like he’s […] […]

Erin for 9/29

In response to the prompt and quote for this week, what did Whitman consider the “real” war to be? My interpretation, which could be wrong, is that Whitman saw the real war as the devastation that was felt by the families of soldiers and civilians, and the stories of the soldiers themselves. The history that […] […]

Erin for 9/22

So one of the major things that really stuck out to me, as lame is this might be, was the punctuation adjustments going on between these two versions. It seems that in the deathbed edition, Whitman removed a lot of the commas throughout the poems, as well as dashes (which he sometimes replaced with commas […] […]

Walt Whitman, Who Are You?

I suppose one of the questions I have is how egotistical Walt Whitman really was. I feel like if he was as self-confident as he makes himself out to be, he would be really annoying to hang out with. I guess I’d like to know more about how Whitman was just in personal, normal life. […]

Build it and Whitman Will Come?

So over the weekend my family ended up coming up here to stay for a few days. My dad knows I’m involved in this Whitman project, so he couldn’t wait to tell me that he had seen a show on PBS last week where a man was inspired by a Walt Whitman poem about baseball […] […]

Erin for September 15th.

So, Whitman. Sex. Right. Even though Whitman uses a lot of sexual and sensual language in his poetry, I have a really hard time accepting the speaker as a sexual being. I don’t really feel like Whitman spoke to me here. In “Song of Myself” I felt really connected to a lot of those passages, there were some beautiful […] […]

Image Gloss – Embouchure

“I sound triumphal drums for the dead….I fling through my embouchures the loudest and gayest music to them,” From Pronunciation: \ˈäm-bü-ˌshu̇r, ˌäm-bü-ˈ\ Function: noun Etymology: French, from (s’)emboucher to flow into, from en- + bouche mouth — more at debouch Date: 1760 1 : the position and use of the lips, tongue, and teeth in playing a wind instrument 2 : the mouthpiece […] […]

Erin for September 8th.

This week’s reading is giving me a clearer sense of the America Whitman is envisioning through his poetry. “Song of the Broad-Axe” shows a nation that has been built by the working man, and is still being built by the working man. Whitman describes it as a place “where the citizen is always the head […] […]

Song of Erin

“I tramp a perpetual journey, My signs are a rain-proof coat and good shoes and a staff cut from the woods; No friend of mine takes his ease in my chair, I have no chair, nor church nor philosophy, I lead no man to a dinner-table or library or exchange, But each man and each woman of you I lead […] […]

Erin for September 1st.

Since I’m not sure what I’m doing at this point, I decided to just blog about one of the questions for this week, “What relationship does Whitman construct with the reader?” Simple question, complex answer. There are so many facets to the connection Whitman tries to establish with the reader. At times he is impersonal and […] […]

Hello world!

Welcome to Looking for Whitman. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! […]