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Because I missed the best field trip ever!

We now have a field trip blog that is aggregating all the posts from around Looking for Whitman that are tagged with “fieldtrip” (no quotes). So tag your field trip posts hippies so that I can join in the fun, and cry about all I missed.

2 comments to Because I missed the best field trip ever!

  • Is there another place I should upload photos from our trips? I took over 200 photos from Saturday’s trip alone, and I can’t upload that many onto Flickr with the 100mb limit.

  • And, can I get up with you ASAP, Reverand? When are you free, and if you want to call me, do it! 434-664-8831 I have class tomorrow from 2-4, Thursday from 11-12:15, and 3:30-4:45. Oh, you just got into class. I’ll ask you in a few minutes. By the way, you missed the best field trip in the history of field trips. So cry…cry all you want. too-da-louuu. 😉

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