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DC Field Trip

Since I just realized I never put up the DC field trip post… The field trip to DC, as I’m sure everyone would agree, was a fantastic experience for all of us. One of the things that I found the most interesting was going to places I’d already been, but wearing my Whitman goggles. A […] […]

Whitman and the War

Whitman and the War: A collection of annotated poems from Walt Whitman’s Drum-Taps. With an introduction by Brendon Bottle. Table of Contents Introduction by Brendon Bottle 1861 Long, Too Long, O Land I Saw Old General At Bay As Toilsome I Wander’d Virginia’s Woods Come Up From the Fields Father A Sight in Camp in […] […]

Exploration of Chatham

So I finally went to Chatham Manor, and it was quite amazing. Before I start my post though I wanted to make two observations. 1) Did anyone else notice that “Fat Kids” was on the Bill of Fare for the dinner party in the movie? A quick google search failed to enlighten me as to […] […]

I Can’t Stop Finding Whitman!

Also known as “On this episode of Masterpiece Theater…” Location: Dupont Metro – North Exit Poem: Whoever You Are Now Holding Me in Hand […]

My Eulogy for Whitman

I, too, sing America. These words struck a chord in me that I had been waiting to hear since we started this class. I have become enamored, some might say obsessed, with Whitman over the course of this semester. He has become to me, a man beyond others, he is the voice of America, the […] […]

Philosopher Whitman, Hello Again.

In doing the readings for Tuesday I was looking at the table of contents for poems first published after the 1867 version. One of the poems I found was “Roaming in Thought” published in 1881. I flipped to the page to read the poem and I was surprised to find a subtitle to the poem […] […]

Rainbow Whitman!

So this week I’m abandoning the prompt altogether, I’m rebellious like that. Instead I’m going to write about something that has been bothering me for a while now and that has been particularly present due to another paper I’m writing. Specifically I’m hoping to address the question “is Whitman a gay icon?’ I’m currently writing […] […]

Lincoln: The Real American Poet?

I’ve been spending a lot of time thinking about why Whitman was so in love with Lincoln (only a little bit of that is due to my jealousy). Between the trip to Ford’s Theater and the reading for this week I feel like I’m beginning to see what Whitman saw in him. To begin with […] […]

Material Culture Museum: Civil War Hospitals

During the Civil War there were many advances made in medical treatment. Often through trial and error surgeons discovered new methods to treat patients and more effective methods of care. Treatment was not the only area of medicine that advanced however, the use of military hospitals was drastically changed during the Civil War and set […] […]

Whitman, we need to talk

Obviously I’m a big fan of Whitman. If you haven’t realized that yet you may need to stop sleeping during class. However, reading the Morris article I was forced to come to terms with a side of Whitman that I’m not so much a fan of. He was kind of racist, and by kind of […] […]

Whitman in Russia

I don’t think this is a very good article, but hey, it has got Whitman so it’s going in the blog. Clinton and Whitman […]

Reynolds, we meet again.

Reading Reynolds made me consider a side of Whitman I had not really looked at before, Whitman the Patriot. I knew he was a patriot, and I realized that he thought America was the greatest place on earth (he hadn’t had a chance to go to Disney World yet) but i hadn’t really considered the […] […]

Whitman and his Multitudes

So, in class tonight I was thinking about how many ways we’ve described Whitman. I thought it would be kind of cool to have a running list of the different names/personas we give to Whitman. I’m jotting down a few here, but since I don’t really have time to go back through all the blogs […] […]

Whitman the Man

Reading the chapter from Morris, which I loved by the way, I found myself feeling for Whitman in a way I hadn’t quite grasped before. We talked a lot last time about how his attitude towards the world, and specifically death, changed from 1855 to 1867. We talked about how seeing death up close would […] […]

Whitman on the F

This poem is one that I’ve been half-remembering for several weeks now but couldn’t recall who it was by or what the name of it was. I happened to pick up the book that this poem was in while I was eating breakfast this morning and I thought I’d post it. Just a note, I tried […] […]

Whitman’s Desperation

While reading Song of Myself and comparing it to the 1855 version I had a much stronger sense of being told how to understand the world. In the first reading of Song of Myself I found myself both wanting Whitman to be more structured, and getting frustrated that he seemed to think he knew the […] […]

Whitman, who are you?

I would like to know a bit more about Whitman’s life growing up. Particularly what events may have influenced his views on love, friendship, and connection. It seems like he developed very strong and radical ideas for the time. I think that more often than not, this is a consequence of belonging to a minority […] […]

A Woman Waits for What Now?

When I sat down to do the reading for Whitman this week I was all prepared for some more descriptive work of the busy life of the farmer and the gorgeous views along the universal path. I poured myself a glass of wine and made myself some dinner, then as I sat reading I had […] […]

Brendon’s Image Gloss

“Where cheese-cloth hangs in the kitchen, and andirons straddle the hearth-slab…” Andiron: Either of a pair of metal supports for firewood used on a hearth and made of a horizontal bar mounted on short legs with usually a vertical shaft surmounting the front end. (Merriam-Webster) Often cast in the form of a statue or with elaborate decorations. […] […]

Of My Body

A theme that keeps arising in Whitman’s work is that of the body. He makes it very clear that, to him, one’s body is also one’s identity. In the poem “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry” Whitman claims “I too had receiv’d identity by my body,/that I was I knew was of my body, and what I should […] […]

The Whitman Path

Having spent most of my college career in philosophy classes, a discipline which will not tolerate deviation from the organized path of logical argument, I found Whitman’s writing style a little jarring. He has a tendency to jump from one thought to the next without a clear bridge between the two. This is often the […] […]

Song of Brendon

Stop this day and night with me and you shall possess the origin of all poems, You shall possess the good of the earth and sun…there are millions of suns left, You shall no longer take things at second or third hand…nor look through the eyes of the dead…nor feed on the spectres of books You […] […]

The Whitman Path

Having spent most of my college career in philosophy classes, a discipline which will not tolerate deviation from the organized path of logical argument, I found Whitman’s writing style a little jarring. He has a tendency to jump from one thought to the next without a clear bridge between the two. This is often the […] […]