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Doodle Poll

Here is a Doodle Poll for a possible video editing session.

Free tickets to Ford’s Theater for 19 people through Ticketmaster plus $2.00 access fee? $49.50. Thirteen hours of parking for three vehicles? $30.00. Bodily presence? Priceless.

Immediacy is something the Reverend talks about as a benefit of the blog, social networking technologies, and the great digital experiment that is Looking for Whitman. Presence. Accessibility. These are words we use a lot. So this week a question has been dogging me while I process Digital Whitman’s Saturday field trip to Washington City. […] […]

for lovers of the book

Dr. Earnhart and I were bemoaning the fact that the online 1867 edition doesn’t include cover shots (something like glamour shots, but a little more satisfying). I wanted to provide this link to another element of the vast Whitman Archive that supplements a little , though 1867 has many fewer images than other editions. But […] […]

Whitman Digital; or, a quotation poem with apologies to Dan Cohen

This afternoon I heard a lecture by Dan Cohen called “The Future of the Digital University,” and as I listened I started this list of words and phrases he said, in the order he said them, that seemed to me to be about WW as much as about the digital world, showing yet again the […] […]

watch out, world

I have the flip-cams. Let’s roll, people. […]

Camden planning notes 4

Random notes from training: Tech support is new group where faculty and students can post tech questions for help from members and Jim. Matt and Jim will add tabs for fora and will fix course blogs so they draw in essential feeds. We should each think about what feeds we want for course blogs and individually arrange […] […]

Camden planning notes 3 supplementing Matt’s post

Groups and BuddyPress: Fora. Can be public or private. Could be used e.g. by students working on shared projects for discussion. Group wire is like Facebook wall; can also notify by email that something has been posted on the wall. Archiving group information. Groups could be formed across class/campus lines–e.g., for students interested in Whitman […] […]

Camden planning notes I

General info and planning: International Whitman Symposium in Italy focus on 1860 edition, esp. for graduate students– Karen will post link when website is ready Library of America + WW archive for other editions, facsimiles, etc. Begin with 1855 as shared base text WW archive has summary descriptions of various editions From Jim: Looking for Whitman as immediate, collaborative space. Disorientation […] […]