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Sam P.’s Final Project (In Search of Wendell Slickman)

Here is my long-undelivered final project, a hybrid of Walt Whitman and Elvis Presley. Please watch–it finally exists! […]

Finding Whitman

Location : 406 Princess Elizabeth St. Poem: Whoever You Are Now Holding Me in Hand […]

S/T-weet Victory

Cartoon Free Lance Star, 11/3/09 […]

Favorite Manuscript Moment

I am indebted to Other Sam for drawing my attention to this very moving detail. One of the best things I saw at the Library of Congress was Whitman’s letter of December 29, 1862 (that is, exactly 106 years before the day I was born), to his mother about finding George in Fredericksburg. We were […] […]

Free tickets to Ford’s Theater for 19 people through Ticketmaster plus $2.00 access fee? $49.50. Thirteen hours of parking for three vehicles? $30.00. Bodily presence? Priceless.

Immediacy is something the Reverend talks about as a benefit of the blog, social networking technologies, and the great digital experiment that is Looking for Whitman. Presence. Accessibility. These are words we use a lot. So this week a question has been dogging me while I process Digital Whitman’s Saturday field trip to Washington City. […] […]

We’ll Take the Booth in the Corner

I’ve mentioned this podcast from Nate DiMeo at the memory palace before. I find it pretty poignant. It’s about the Booth brothers, especially John Wilkes’ older brother Edwin. Listen for a shout-out to Our Man Whitman [OMW]: Edwin Booth BOOST Here Edwin is looking pensive (or moping about his footwear): And here is a famous photo we saw […] […]

Under My Bootsoles Everywhere

I was reading in yesterday’s Washington Post in a piece called “Beyond ‘Great,’ to Exemplary” that Whitman’s “O Captain!” is one of about five works identified by the National Standards Initiative as it tries to give guidance to high school teachers about what students should know– with Austen, Morrison, and a few others, it was […] […]

Redesigning Looking for Whitman

As we all know by now, Whitman himself was intensely interested in typography and design, an interest that led him to design and redesign various editions of Leaves of Grass. As you’ve probably noticed, we’ve just completed a major first step in the redesign of our own web-based project. You should be seeing a new […] […]

Announcement: New Blog Feeds on Course Pages

After a discussion today with the other faculty members involved in “Looking for Whitman,” I added the feeds of two project blogs to all course pages: Announcements – project-wide announcements WhitTech – our tech-support blog Our hope is that adding these feeds to your course sites will increase the visibility of important posts that should […] […]

Welcome to Looking for Whitman!!

“Welcome Sign” by Flickr user davidking As Project Director of “Looking for Whitman,” it gives me great pleasure to welcome students from the University of Mary Washington, New York City College of Technology, Rutgers University-Camden, and University of Novi Sad to our project website! This is an exciting moment in higher education, when traditional methods […] […]

mobile mapping


Camden planning notes 4

Random notes from training: Tech support is new group where faculty and students can post tech questions for help from members and Jim. Matt and Jim will add tabs for fora and will fix course blogs so they draw in essential feeds. We should each think about what feeds we want for course blogs and individually arrange […] […]

Camden planning notes 3 supplementing Matt’s post

Groups and BuddyPress: Fora. Can be public or private. Could be used e.g. by students working on shared projects for discussion. Group wire is like Facebook wall; can also notify by email that something has been posted on the wall. Archiving group information. Groups could be formed across class/campus lines–e.g., for students interested in Whitman […] […]

Camden planning notes II

Various course ideas: one blog post per week that will be more structured on focused short writing task/question (post two days before class) + 3 comments by class, at least one on post from another course (self-report in class?) frontispiece as start to blog– of self in clothes and pose that they consider apt intro of self […] […]

Camden planning notes I

General info and planning: International Whitman Symposium in Italy focus on 1860 edition, esp. for graduate students– Karen will post link when website is ready Library of America + WW archive for other editions, facsimiles, etc. Begin with 1855 as shared base text WW archive has summary descriptions of various editions From Jim: Looking for Whitman as immediate, collaborative space. Disorientation […] […]

shared curriculum cont.

Sunday morning discussion: – each student will produce a (low-tech) film: reading Whitman work aloud in a particular place: THIS is where I found Whitman; THIS is what it means to read Whitman in a particular city (vs. in a classroom alone). This becomes part of our representation of place, as will be our record of […] […]

open road

Will you come travel with me? image credit “Long Live Comrade Whitman!” by birdfarm Download section 38 of “Song of Myself” […]