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Sam P.’s Final Project (In Search of Wendell Slickman)

Here is my long-undelivered final project, a hybrid of Walt Whitman and Elvis Presley. Please watch–it finally exists! […]

Chelsea’s Final Project: Recreating the Bible in “Song of Myself”

Whitman Final I appreciate all of the patience and understanding during this time. It means a lot to my family. Hope everyone has a wonderful break. See most of you in the W.O.M.B. […]

Whitman’s Civil War Prose

sarah’s final paper Ugh. Day of Finish paper, Take nap, Sleep through Whitman party, Wake up, Post paper late, Go back to bed. I hate exam week. […]

Final Project – Whitman in American Media

Follow the link! […]

Ben’s Final Project, A Kosmos of Voices

Ben Brishcar Digital Whitman Scanlon/Earnheart/Groom 10/9/09 A Kosmos of Voices When I was given the option of a nonstandard project for the final for this class, my brain started boggling with options. Immediately the traditional seminar paper was out the window and my head started going towards the […] […]

Final Project Blog

Here’s a link to my blog investigating how the Civil Rights Movement has affected our modern understanding of Leaves of Grass. […]

Virginia’s Term Project: Whitman, Commercialism, and the Digital Age. Will Whitman Survive?

Walt Whitman Cinepoem – Uses readings from the first two pages of the 1855 Song of Myself from Leaves of Grass. Abstract: Throughout the semester, I used the FlipCams to film the sun rising over the Potomac, walking to and from school, to work, on my way back from brother’s house in Westmoreland, just life. […] […]

Whitman and the War

Whitman and the War: A collection of annotated poems from Walt Whitman’s Drum-Taps. With an introduction by Brendon Bottle. Table of Contents Introduction by Brendon Bottle 1861 Long, Too Long, O Land I Saw Old General At Bay As Toilsome I Wander’d Virginia’s Woods Come Up From the Fields Father A Sight in Camp in […] […]

Final Project: Whitman Goes South of the Border

Well everybody, it’s been a wonderful semester. Here is my final paper. I’m pretty new to Google docs, so my paper looks pretty intimidating until you put it in Word. Well, it’s still long, but not quite as scary. […]

Meg’s Final Project/Thing

Here is the link to my website, which contains all of my data and analysis. I also have the spread sheet with all the answers; I think the map is up but just in case: Whitman Spread […]

Jessica’s Final Project

Womanly Whitman […]

Allison’s Final Paper

Whitman: The Inseminator Cum on and check out my paper on Raunchy Whitman! […]