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Whitman for the Kemp Symposium

Here’s the space as promised in my email.  What format/content should we propose for the Kemp Symposium?  My email suggested two possibilities: a more academic panel on Whitman and the literature itself, or a tech-based panel highlighting the more digital projects produced throughout the course.  Another idea would be something that focused more specifically on Whitman in our space (Fred and DC)– that is, a thematic focus that could include academic material, digital projects or videos, and Brendon’s impersonation of a wounded soldier boy reaching out imploringly for Uncle Walt.   Thoughts?

20 comments to Whitman for the Kemp Symposium

  • It seems weird and wrong to me to not include some sort of technology in whatever presentation we end up doing. I mean, the course was titled “Digital Whitman.”

    I think a thematic focus would be really good and lends itself for incorporation of lots of different things. For instance, since we were chosen to be part of this project because of our location, we could focus on Whitman in Fredericksburg and the Civil War; if we did this, we could include videos from our field trip, some of our Finding Whitman videos, and even our “Drum Taps” annotations.

    Granted, this really limits Whitman (he contains multitudes, after all) but it would be impossible to try to cover everything.

  • Brendon and I will be pairing up to do a compare/contrast of “procreant urge” Whitman (yours truly) and gay Whitman (Brendon, obviously). Our presentation will be 10 minutes total.

    Also, I know you guys are checking this site, so lets use it! In what order do we want to present?

  • Mara

    If we follow Allison and Brendon’s lead and think thematically, I could see a possible focus as follows:

    Whitman and Sexuality: Allison and Brendon
    Whitman and Fred/DC (war and place): Annotations of the war poems and Where I Found Whitman (Sarah, Erin, Courtney)
    Whitman in History/Today: Sam P, Virginia

    Meg could fit in category 2 with annotations or 3 with her final project.

    Chelsea, since it sounds like you were asleep on the bus when the sheet went around, where do you want to join in? As a narrator or in some category? Will either Ben or Taller Sam be part?

  • I think that’s a great order and I think we should include some video segments from Where I found Whitman or doing cine-poems or something so we can get the tech involved.

  • One theme could be TBJG!

  • “Whitman in History” differs from “Whitman in Fred/DC,” doesn’t it? I guess if I’m courting the avuncular beard from the angle of History/Today, I’ll be focusing on… Whitman’s influence on the consolidation of American iconicity? His hip-shaking, self-eulogizing Wendellianism? Neither? Of course, I’d like to be involved in the annotations section, too, but I’m a little unclear as to what Virginia and I will talk about, beyond using video to reify Walt.

  • Sam will just be getting out of work when we present, so he will be there but didn’t feel like he had time to prepare anything.

    I don’t really know where to plug in. I can be a narrator, like I said in the email, or I could present part of my paper which is more or less “religious Whitman”…I also have the two Where I Found Whitmans that I did…so just tell me where you think is best.

  • If TBJG is a theme, I’ll have a few words to say myself.

    Sam, I did mean for these categories to be distinct, yes. I guess when I said “Whitman in History” I meant throughout history, in great time, to use our friend Bakhtin– works like yours, Virginia, Meg’s (and others, though they may work in these other sections). The frame for showing some of the videos would be discussing Whitman’s changeable and essential role beyond 19th-century poet (after all, would we say that about Longfellow?)– maybe including a word or two about the Serbian videos we saw/Karen’s discussion of Whitman as an example.

    If we divided as above, each of the three sections would get 15-20 minutes (maybe on the low side for Allison-Brendon since it’s just two of them, and on the high side for the others with three). Chelsea would either be a briefer section alone or act as our general narrator (helped by Sam or Nat if they want to be part of it also).

  • Erin

    I would really like to talk about the geographical aspect of the course and how we connected Whitman to the Fredericksburg DC area…is anyone else joining in on this?

  • Commenting to say that I’ll be in Category 3 with my final project, if that’s okay. I really wanted to focus on the Novi Sad responses (and maybe the Chinese?), since those were the most interesting.

  • Alrighty, weighing in late here, I am willing to discuss our annotation project since I feel that is a good example of Whitman in Fredericksburg (since all the poems were from Drumtaps), some literary analysis (always good), and some of the experimental digital technologies that this class was set up to explore. I suppose I’ll start with the poem that Sam and I annotated, but if anybody is so proud of theirs that they want to have it revealed to the world, then I’d be thrilled to use them to compare and contrast our use of the project! (Note: I reserve the right to discuss anyone’s annotated poem, even if they don’t volunteer it. It’s for Whitman, after all!)

  • Erin, the cluster I suggested above was getting at just that, I think– it would be great if you talked about the geographical focus.

    Everyone, if you didn’t see anything in room 28 today where you will be presenting, the projection is awkward– the screens are to the sides and very hard to read text on, and it is very hard to see them from the podium. So prepare accordingly.

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