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Beautiful Dreamers

Here is the trailer for the Whitman film I mentioned in class titled Beautiful Dreamers (1990). What’s more is that it features Rip Torn as Whitman, and takes place in Canada because Whitman couldn’t afford prescription drugs in the US.

Check it out:

Doodle Poll

Here is a Doodle Poll for a possible video editing session.

Because I missed the best field trip ever!

We now have a field trip blog that is aggregating all the posts from around Looking for Whitman that are tagged with “fieldtrip” (no quotes). So tag your field trip posts hippies so that I can join in the fun, and cry about all I missed.

Discourse Space

Below is a link to the discourse space for ongoing discussion, thoughts, sharing, etc., throughout the week—think of it as a Twitter knock-off.
Posting there is easy, simply make sure you are logged into the Looking for Whitman site then click the “Add Me” button in the sidebar. […]

A Digital Whitman Picture Show

Hey all,

Here are the pictures from last Tuesday night, they are all on the Digital Whitman class Flickr page here. Hope you enjoy them, and let me know via email or direct message if you would like me to remove any. Also, feel free to start your own Flickr account for your own related […]

Leaves of Grass Frontispiece

Click on image to see the full size version.

mobile mapping
