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Movie-making with Jim Groom and Andy Rush

***These are just notes at the moment. They will be clarified later. For questions,  jgroom at or  arush at Thanks to Andy Rush for the very helpful tutorial! Vista or 7, you can use the newest version of movie maker – gives the ability to upload directly to youtube. Secure it from windows […] […]

Sarah for Nov. 3

So many things struck me about the 1855 to 1891-92 Song of Myself that it is hard to know where to start. I guess at the beginning is always good. Whitman makes a point of saying in the 1891-92 version that he is “now thirty-seven years old in perfect health”. Really, Whitman? If “deathbed edition” […] […]

Sarah for Oct. 27

The love that Walt Whitman felt towards Abraham Lincoln can be divided into two broad kinds of love. The first is a personal infatuation bordering on obsession that could alternately be viewed as romantic, but strictly abstract, similar to the feelings of the devotees to Elijah Wood that roamed the halls of my school after […] […]

The RF&P Railroad – Material Culture Museum Entry

When Walt Whitman came down to Fredericksburg in 1862, he traveled along a variety of different transportation methods including trains. Trains were a major factor in American travel before the Civil War and they would become invaluable to the war effort in the North and South. The railroads of Virginia were especially important to the […] […]

Why is much of Drum-Taps from a Soldier’s View?

I’m having trouble reconciling Whitman’s desire to portray the war honestly and his poems that are set in the midst of battle. I suppose it is a naïve assumption, but, before Drum-Taps, I felt that the voice in Whitman’s poetry was his own. In Drum-Taps, however, this is obviously not the case, as Whitman never […] […]

Day and Night in Drum-Taps

In my first readthrough of Drum-Taps, I noticed numerous poems using the image of the moon so I thought I’d go back through with an eye on nighttime in Drum-Taps. The first poems in the cycle, notably “First O Songs for a Prelude” and, obviously, “Song of the Banner at Daybreak”, are set at daybreak. […] […]

What I Feel Ignorant About

What was Whitman’s conception of literature at the time he was writing? Who were his influences? What did he consider standard literature? amazing literature? How radical did he think he was being, and how important was that to him? I ask these questions because I have a tendency to read too minutely into the form […] […]

Caryn for September 1st

In “Song of Myself”, Walt Whitman toys with the comparison between god, the poet, and the man; all of which are interchangeable. His “I” is a general “I”, he is every man, every women, in every shape, color, and class. As the poet, he is the constant observer, chronicling every aspect of life, from east […] […]

Song of Caryn

This is the trill of a thousand clear cornets and scream of the octave flute and strike of triangles I play not a march for victors only…I play great marches For conquered and slain persons. I sound triumphal drums for the dead…I fling through my embouchures the loudest and gayest music to them, Vivas to […] […]

A Digital Whitman Picture Show

Hey all,

Here are the pictures from last Tuesday night, they are all on the Digital Whitman class Flickr page here. Hope you enjoy them, and let me know via email or direct message if you would like me to remove any. Also, feel free to start your own Flickr account for your own related […]