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Chelsea’s Final Project: Recreating the Bible in “Song of Myself”

Whitman Final I appreciate all of the patience and understanding during this time. It means a lot to my family. Hope everyone has a wonderful break. See most of you in the W.O.M.B. […]

John Burroughs…looking good.

So I don’t know if anyone has ever seen an image of John Burroughs…but I found his physical similarity to Whitman quite striking. I ran across this picture as I was researching for my final. Perhaps another name has been added to Brendon&… […]

Oh Walt, you’re still under my bootsoles.

I found this poem extremely interesting in conversation with the way we have been talking about Whitman’s legacy and the question of his racism. Defending Walt Whitman By Sherman Alexie Basketball is like this for young Indian boys, all arms and legs and serious stomach muscles. Every body is brown! These are the twentieth-century warriors […] […]

Chelsea Finds Whitman

I found Whitman at Riverby Books in downtown Fredericksburg in front of the “Modern Warfare” section […]

Chelsea for November 17, sadly

(As if saying goodbye to Whitman wasn’t enough, I had to go and listen to the recording of Ginsberg reading Howl and A Supermarket in California. Thanks, guys ) As we draw toward the end of the semester, it becomes increasingly important to take a step back from the more particular tasks of uncovering discrepancies […] […]

Washington D.C. through new eyes

All I was able to think about during our trip to Washington D.C. was how much Whitman would be smiling if he knew how devoted we were to uncovering his life’s work. Walking through D.C., a place I have been many times in my life, became a new experience for me as I looked at […] […]

Journey to Philadelphia…

So Sam Krieg, Ben Brishcar, and myself… upon discovering the existence of a “Walt Wit” belgian-style ale at the Philadelphia Brewing Co. felt we had no other choice but to scurry to Pennsylvania to retrieve it. These are a few images from our journey. “Afoot and light-hearted [we] took to the open road, / Healthy, […] […]

Frederickburg Battlefield / Chatham Manor field trip post…

As other people have been posting a lot of pictures of places themselves, I thought it would be interesting to post a few that had our class interacting with and existing in them. A lot of my thinking about the field trips have been in how much going to the same places Whitman himself occupied and […] […]

Chelsea for November 10

To focus on one edition of Leaves of Grass without the acknowledgement of the others is reductive to understanding Whitman’s entire vision. Despite the fact that Whitman said of the 1892 edition, “I wish to say that I prefer and recommend this present one, complete, for future printing, if there should be any,” (148) the […] […]

Under My Bootsoles (#?)

This is a poem by the poet Ai. I found it particularly interesting to post this week as we are beginning to discuss Walt Whitman’s legacy. I’m interested in other opinions of this poem as, having now studied Whitman fairly extensively, I am not quite sure how I feel about his role in it. And sorry about […] […]

Chelsea for November 3

All right, this post might be a bit of a stretch, but bear with me on some ideas I had/have about a difference between the 1855 Leaves of Grass and the 1892 Leaves of Grass, particularly in nuances between the two versions of “Song of Myself.” In the 1855 version of this poem, Whitman names […] […]

Chelsea for October 27

Though in Erkkila’s essay, “Burying President Lincoln,” she asserts that, “Although Lincoln was shot on Good Friday and died the following day, Whitman avoids the obvious Lincoln—Christ symbolism [in “Where Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d,”] preferring instead the local symbolism of lilac and star, which were associated in his imagination with the time of […] […]

Chelsea’s Material Culture Museum Entry: Ford’s Theatre

Ford’s Theatre 1865’s%20Assassination.asp Presidential Box 1865 Ford’s Theatre Now Ford’s Theatre sits at 511 10th Street NW, the site originally occupied by the First Baptist Church of Washington which was built in 1833. In 1859, the congregation abandoned the building when they merged with the Fourth Baptist Congregation formed on 13th Street. After a few years of occasional […] […]

Chelsea for October 20

In going through this week’s reading, it occurred to me that there is another “multitude” of Whitman’s that we have only briefly touched on that is quite worth discussing – Whitman as a father figure. Particularly throughout the Calder essay, where the tender Whitman we’ve spoken of seems at his best, Whitman’s envy and revere […] […]

Chelsea for October 6

An interesting nuance between Drum-Taps and the rest of Walt Whitman’s work is his veer from the more personal address poem to a broader and more all-encompassing form of address. In these poems it seems he becomes less the prophet and removes himself almost as if he is letting the war speak for itself. This […] […]

Chelsea for September 29

Whitman’s “batch of convulsively written reminiscences” (799) about the Civil War in “Specimen Days,” particularly his record of encounters with soldiers he cared for as a nurse, really started me thinking about what the war represented to Whitman. Obviously the day to day violence and massacre would take its toll on anyone, both physically and […] […]

Chelsea for September 22

In Luke Mancuso’s assessment of the 1867 Leaves of Grass, he writes on “The City Dead-House” of Whitman’s use of the figure of a dead prostitute to present and argue against flawed democracy. As Whitman develops the scene of the prostitute dead and lying within sight of the Capitol, Mancuso posits: Socially outcast, the body of […] […]

Thoughts From Jessica Eadie

Hi all, I as thinking about Whitman’s long lines and the fact that he breaks the boundaries of the page, and I wanted to share some thoughts with you all. Whitman really seems to be pushing the reader to explore beyond the beliefs that he/she carries. He proves that he cannot be contained, even with in […] […]

Whitman’s dis/organization of Leaves of Grass

I am interested in the ways in which Walt Whitman’s experiences (particularly during the war) manipulate the way he organizes Leaves of Grass. Gailey discusses it briefly in her “Publishing History of Leaves,” but I am interested to discuss this more, especially as we get into Whitman’s writing throughout the Civil War. […]

Finding Whitman at Lincoln Memorial…

So, I was kind of randomly in Washington D.C. the other night and had my digital camera with me (and my Whitman book as fate would have it)…I started thinking about Whitman’s obsession with Abraham Lincoln and the many poems he has written for him. I read “O! Captain! My Captain!” on the steps of the […] […]

Chelsea for September 15

“Content with the present, content with the past, By my side or back of me Eve following, Or in front, and I following her just the same” (248) Right away, in the first poem of “Children of Adam,” “To the Garden of the World,” Whitman proposes a utopia that most of us cannot fathom as ever being America. […] […]

Chelsea’s Image Gloss

“Where triphammers crash….where the press is whirling its cylinders” (60) Triphammer: a massive power hammer having a head that is tripped and allowed to fall by cam or lever action (Merriam-Webster) See how a triphammer works… ( Triphammers were often powered by a water wheel and are known to have been used as early as 20 AD in China. […] […]

Allen Ginsberg stalks Whitman?

“A Supermarket in California” – Allen Ginsberg What thoughts I have of you tonight, Walt Whitman, for I walked down the sidestreets under the trees with a headache self-conscious looking at the full moon. In my hungry fatigue, and shopping for images, I went into the neon fruit supermarket, dreaming of your enumerations! What peaches and what penumbras! Whole […] […]

Chelsea for September 8

After briefly discussing Whitman’s view of America last Tuesday and then reading Fuller’s essay on American literature, I became even more interested in the way Whitman presents himself to his nation as well as how he feels the nation presents itself to him and to the American people. Whitman urges, even requires us to […] […]

Song of Chelsea

Apart from the pulling and hauling stands what I am, Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary, Looks down, is erect, bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest, Looks with its sidecurved head curious what will come next, Both in and out of the game, and watching and wondering at it. Backward I see in my own days where I […] […]