Wednesday, October 21st, 2009 | Author:

An email I received from a former student.  The eyes are everywhere, people:

Hey Professor,

Long time no talk.  I hope all is going well this semester at UMW.  I miss the environment there greatly.  I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been following along with the Exploring Whitman blog as much as possible, and I have learned from, enjoyed and been in awe of some of your students’ insight.  It must be a fun class!

Anyways, I thought you would like to hear that even though I have a diploma I am still as inspired and eager to learn as ever.  I wish I could be there to go along for the ride.  Alas, I will just have to look on from afar.  So make sure the students know just how valuable and important their work is– on such a variety of levels– because I’ll be reading.  Thanks again for what you do, and good luck with the rest of the semester.

Patrick Whelan

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