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Where Ben found Walt Whitman

Hey all, so as so much of our focus has been on the Civil War Whitman, I decided to go back to the battlefield where the Civil War really started for Whitman. So here I am on the Fredericksburg battlefield. Ben finding Whitman […]

Where the Other Sam Found Walt Whitman

The “Bloody Angle” is the name given to a piece of ground at the Spotsylvania Courthouse Battlefield on which, in May 1864, some of the war’s most traumatizing hand-to-hand and muzzle-to-muzzle fighting took place. Whitman would c… […]

Sarah Finds Whitman

In which I read Whitman’s poem “To You” at Chatham house (formerly Lacy House). […]

Where Sam Krieg found Walt Whitman

I found Whitman in a variety of place, and discovered later that I looked super-pretentious. Oh well. I contain multitudes! There are slides explaining what I read and where. […]

Where I Found Whitman…

Fredericksburg has been my home for many years. After a few years on what my parents have affectionately named my “East Coast College Tour,” I ended up back here, at UMW, the one college that I thought I would never attend. Sometimes this place can seem quite stale, but this semester I began to look […] […]

Where Virginia Found Whitman…

Virginia on Youtube reading Walt Whitman Where I read, and show the signs in the video, are on route 24 in Appomattox County, Virginia. Zipcode 24522. […]

Where Meg Found Whitman

I found Whitman on Sandpiper Road, in Virginia Beach, VA. Because Whitman takes so much pride in being a “son of Manhatta,” it’s rather fitting that it was here, as this is where I (very proudly) hail from. Oh, PS: Excuse my crazy hair and the cameraman’s finger that apparently appears three-quarters of the way […] […]

Finding Whitman

Reading “Give Me the Splendid Silent Sun” at the Fredericksburg Battlefield. […]

Finding Whitman

Location : 406 Princess Elizabeth St. Poem: Whoever You Are Now Holding Me in Hand […]

Chelsea Finds Whitman

I found Whitman at Riverby Books in downtown Fredericksburg in front of the “Modern Warfare” section […]

Where I Found Whitman

Film Location: Sunken Road in front of the original stone wall where the Battle of Fredericksburg was fought. In the background is The Angel of Marye’s Heights monument. Was the wind piping the pipe of death under the black clouds? (428) During… […]