Thursday, June 18th, 2009 | Author:

Groups and BuddyPress:  Fora.  Can be public or private.  Could be used e.g. by students working on shared projects for discussion.  Group wire is like Facebook wall; can also notify by email that something has been posted on the wall.  Archiving group information.  Groups could be formed across class/campus lines–e.g., for students interested in Whitman and sexuality.  Member profiles can be way that students find each other by clicking on terms that will identify shared interests.

 Change profile by going to My Account.

Planning blog now has summer assignments for faculty.

Collaborative work: supplementary, collective knowledge building AND dialogic exchange

  • Material culture entries across campuses: ask students to compare, to consider two together, to take two from other campuses and discuss re: WW text, etc.
  • required comments and reading
  • shared projects like annotations
  • field trip documentation
  • feeds: Matt and Jim will work out best way that each person in/teaching a class will be able to view in one place all the posts happening across the site.  Will include group wires– can and should it include forum posts?

Flickr account for each class.  Make album, make slideshow, and take embed url to make it a blog post.  Flickr feed on LFW homepage sidebar.  Tag all images that go to Flickr Whitman20 to feed it in.

whitman20 is now tag for all outside sites (flickr, delicious, etc.) to draw in to project




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