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Caryn’s ImageGloss

And that a kelson of the creation is love; (p 31) What is a kelson? keelson noun a structure running the length of a ship and fastening the timbers or plates of the floor to its keel. kelson n. variant spelling of keelson . The Oxford Dictionary of English (2nd edition revised) James Rumsey’s Steamboat […] […]

Caryn for September 8th

Thus far in each Whitman piece we have read, he evokes an ethereal view of the nation. It seems metaphysical and metaphorical. He weaves images of nature that seem to represent Whitman’s utopian ideals of national pride or guidelines of what should and should not be. In his “Democratic Vistas” Whitman notes “Investigating here, we […] […]

Caryn for September 1st

In “Song of Myself”, Walt Whitman toys with the comparison between god, the poet, and the man; all of which are interchangeable. His “I” is a general “I”, he is every man, every women, in every shape, color, and class. As the poet, he is the constant observer, chronicling every aspect of life, from east […] […]

Song of Caryn

This is the trill of a thousand clear cornets and scream of the octave flute and strike of triangles I play not a march for victors only…I play great marches For conquered and slain persons. I sound triumphal drums for the dead…I fling through my embouchures the loudest and gayest music to them, Vivas to […] […]

Hello world!

Welcome to Looking for Whitman. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! […]

Hello world!

Welcome to Looking for Whitman. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! […]