Tuesday, September 15th, 2009 | Author:

There are so many things that I want to say, or ask, or do in response to Whitman. I guess the best place to start tonight is that I’m still trying to place Whitman in the scheme of religion–in his own personal, in the Christian, and in others. I  know we’ve gone over it extensively, but especially in poems like “Whoever You are Holding Me Now in Hand,” where I find places so identical to scripture, I find myself marveling at how closely Walt must have looked at others’ spirituality. Okay. Good night, all. I have a lot to think about.

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  1. Avatar of kevinv kevinv says:

    I think his knowledge of other creeds is very important to knowing the man Whitman was. It seemed he had set out to inform himself so that he may talk to his readers about them intelligently. In other words i think he was prepping his future writings so that he may connect to his readers. A good example of his vast knowledge of religions is in “Song of Myself” on page 73-74 he goes down a list of prominent religious figures of all creeds.

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