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Of My Body

A theme that keeps arising in Whitman’s work is that of the body. He makes it very clear that, to him, one’s body is also one’s identity. In the poem “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry” Whitman claims “I too had receiv’d identity by my body,/that I was I knew was of my body, and what I should […] […]

The Whitman Path

Having spent most of my college career in philosophy classes, a discipline which will not tolerate deviation from the organized path of logical argument, I found Whitman’s writing style a little jarring. He has a tendency to jump from one thought to the next without a clear bridge between the two. This is often the […] […]

The Whitman Path

Having spent most of my college career in philosophy classes, a discipline which will not tolerate deviation from the organized path of logical argument, I found Whitman’s writing style a little jarring. He has a tendency to jump from one thought to the next without a clear bridge between the two. This is often the […] […]