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Whitman and Edith Wharton

Edith Wharton greatly admired Whitman. Her parents forbade her to read him when she was a child, considering him (and Poe) dissolute Bohemians. Wharton writes in her memoir, “A Further Glance,” that Leaves of Grass was “kept under lock and key, & brought out, like tobacco, only in the absence of the ‘the ladies’” (21). […] […]

Whitman and California

Inspired by Pacific coastal scenes on a trip West, I post Whitman’s homage to California: Leaves of Grass (1881-82) A PROMISE TO CALIFORNIA. A PROMISE to California, Or inland to the great pastoral Plains, and on to Puget sound and Oregon; Sojourning east a while longer, soon I travel toward you, to remain, to teach […] […]

Whitman and the West

As I prepare for a trip West, I’m curious about Whitman’s views of this region. Here are his no-so-favorable impressions of Kansas women. Walt Whitman (1819-1892).  Prose Works. 1892. I. Specimen Days 199. The Women of the West Kansas City.-I AM not so well satisfied with what I see of the women of the prairie cities. I am […] […]