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Bibliographic Essay 2

Bibliographic Essay The following essay examines Walt Whitman’s criticism from 1973-2004 in relation to motherhood, feminism, and the woman reader.  Four articles discuss Whitman’s relationship to his mother.  Six articles debate if Whitman’s poetry reveal feminist support.  Two articles discuss Whitman’s relationship with the woman reader.  Through this, one can view the ambivalence surrounding Walt […] […]

Bibliographic Essay

I don’t think that Iever submitted this … The attached represents the beginning of my search for evidence supporting/disproving Whitman’s support of the women’s rights movement. My conclusion…I need more information!bib essay […]

Supporter of Women’s Independence

…..Where women walk in public processions in the streets the same as the men,       Where they enter the public assembly and take places the same as the men…… click here to read bibessay whitman and feminism […]

Bibliographic Essay Presentation

A more tangible version of my bibliographic essay, which examines Whitman’s role as a citizen poet of New York, is available in PowerPoint form by clicking here. […]

Bibliographic Essay & Whitman’s Masculinity.

For the past two years, Masculinity Studies has been a great academic interest of mine. In my final research paper, I intend to explore the dynamics of Masculinity in Walt Whitman’s poetry. Currently my research can take three possible directions: Whitman’s “common man” as the ideal representation of the masculinity, Whitman’s poetic criticism of patriarchy […] […]

Walt Whitman and Psychoanalytic Criticism: A Bibliography

For the bibliographic essay assignment, I researched recent psychoanalytic criticism of Walt Whitman and his work. Please click on the link below if you are interested in learning more. Bibliographic Essay on Whitman and Psychoanalytic Criticism […]

Bibliographic Essay on Edith Wharton and the Failure of the New Woman

Though not entirely directed towards Whitman criticism, my bibliographic essay concerning Edith Wharton does make use of the influence that Whitman had on Wharton’s work. One article in particular speaks to the Whitmanian influences on the sexuality as depicted in Summer. However, there is no reason that it should have to stop there. This bibliographic […] […]

Walt Whitman the Citizen Poet: An Evolving Bibliography

I’m really interested in exploring how Whitman defined his role as a poet, particularly the metaphor of the poet as a soldier.  For this assignment, I worked with a role for which more scholarship exists.  This bibliographic essay discusses recent criticism (since 1993) about Whitman’s role as a poet of the city, focusing on his […] […]

Whitman and Race: a bibliographic essay

Whitman,%20Camden,%20and%20Race[1]click here for my bibliographic essay about Whitman’s racial attitudes […]

Bibliographic Essay – Whitman & Mysticism

The title of my essay is “Evolution of an Approach: A Chronological Overview of Major Critical Approaches to the subject of Whitman and Mysticism.” Click on the links below to view my essay and the supplemental works cited. Whitman&Mysticism Works Cited […]