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Annotations for Group 1 (To Thos Who’ve Fail’d, The Bravest Soldiers and A Font of Type, Paumanok.)

To Those Who’ve Fail’d TO those who’ve fail’d, in aspiration vast, To unnam’d soldiers fallen in front on the lead, To calm, devoted engineers – to over-ardent travelers – to pilots on their ships, To many a lofty song and picture without recognition – I’d rear laurel-cover’d monument, High, high above the rest – To […] […]

“osceloa” annotation.

For my explication, I was assigned Whitman’s poem “Osceloa.” This particular piece describes the death of the Seminole Chief Osceloa, an event that haunted Whitman for many years of his life, and according to scholar David S. Reynolds, Whitman owned Caltin’s painting of Osceloa as a reminder of the chief’s demise at the hand’s of […] […]