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Camden House & Grave

The Whitman House: Final Resting Place (on a beautiful fall day!): I depart as air, I shake my white locks At the runaway sun, I effuse my flesh in eddies, and drift it In lacy jags. I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I love. If you want me again look […] […]

Whitman Found

This picture was taken on Saturday, November 21 at approximately 3 pm. Where was I? at Starbucks, in Macy’s in Center City, Philadelphia […]

Mary Davis: Housekeeper or Personal Assistant?

Recently I’ve been reading Walt Whitman in Mickle Street, a short book published by Elizabeth Leavitt Keller in 1921.  Keller wrote this account Whitman’s life in Camden after serving as a nurse to him just before he died.  Keller’s observations and chronicling of the happenings at 328 Mickle Street make one feel as if she […] […]


Check out this sample PA paper ballot…particularly the first candidate for County Commissioner!! […]

Wharton and Whitman – musings

Summer is depressing. Sure it’s the story of a young woman’s sexual awakening, but her awakening seems largely futile as she does not end up truly awakened – truly independent. The final decision she makes (to keep her baby and marry Royall) seems only to imprison her. Yet, Dr. Singley brought to light the idea […] […]

Annotations for Group 1 (To Thos Who’ve Fail’d, The Bravest Soldiers and A Font of Type, Paumanok.)

To Those Who’ve Fail’d TO those who’ve fail’d, in aspiration vast, To unnam’d soldiers fallen in front on the lead, To calm, devoted engineers – to over-ardent travelers – to pilots on their ships, To many a lofty song and picture without recognition – I’d rear laurel-cover’d monument, High, high above the rest – To […] […]

The United States to Old World Critics – Annotation


Jennica for November Nineteen

A couple days ago, I have received a call from my father saying that my grandfather is in the hospital undergoing a surgery. Apparently a blood vein or something of that matter has popped and is clotted in a small area of his brain. Old age and death is quite a transparent matter, I think. […] […]

Adam for Nov 18–Whitman and Dylan

WHITMAN AND DYLAN While reading “A Backward Glance o’er Travel’d Roads,” I couldn’t help but think of the parallels between the lives of two revolutionary American writers—Walt Whitman and Bob Dylan. Though the poems of Whitman and the lyrics of Bob Dylan have very different formal qualities, both artists have interesting biographical parallels. Have any […] […]

True Conquerors – Annotation
