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navigating the dashboard

This video explains how you can customize your WordPress dashboard and become a more efficient blogger! […]

social networking features of BuddyPress

One of the remarkable and unique aspects of the Looking for Whitman project lies in the way it harnesses familiar social networking tools in service of a richer learning experience through the BuddyPress plugin and navigation bar at the top of your screen. […]

Writing and publishing a post

Writing and publishing a post is probably the first thing you’ll need to do once you create your own Looking for Whitman blog. […]

Video Tutorial: Google My Maps

This is a great resource for anyone looking for a quick introduction to the My Maps feature of Google. […]

Welcome to Looking for Whitman!!

“Welcome Sign” by Flickr user davidking As Project Director of “Looking for Whitman,” it gives me great pleasure to welcome students from the University of Mary Washington, New York City College of Technology, Rutgers University-Camden, and University of Novi Sad to our project website! This is an exciting moment in higher education, when traditional methods […] […]

Embedding Flickr Images

From The Commons on Flickr. A bust of Walt Whitman made from a negative done by the painter Thomas Eakins. “To Lulu O’Donovan from her uncle William Rudolf O’Donovan, Nov. 20, 1891″ Original photos to come! […]

Embedding Youtube Videos

A manipulated picture of Walt Whitman made to look like he is reciting “O Captain! My Captain,” written supposedly after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Being that I am involved in graphics and animation to a certain extent, I find it amazing that it looks so genuine, using only one picture throughout the entirety of […] […]

mobile mapping


Whitman and Edith Wharton

Edith Wharton greatly admired Whitman. Her parents forbade her to read him when she was a child, considering him (and Poe) dissolute Bohemians. Wharton writes in her memoir, “A Further Glance,” that Leaves of Grass was “kept under lock and key, & brought out, like tobacco, only in the absence of the ‘the ladies’” (21). […] […]