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Whitman Found (and then FINALLY uploaded to YouTube)

So here’s Erin and mine’s final videos for the class,  WordPress is finicky today, so I have the direct links to YouTube below.. Your Friendly Neighborhood Joe D! Reads Walt Whitman’s Thoughts (Parts 1 & 2) Your Friendly Neighborhood Joe D! Presents Walt Whitman’s A Font of Type And here’s Erin’s wonderful work! Erin McCool […] […]

The Narcissist Walt Whitman

Origins and Manifestations of Narcissism in the Life and Work of Walt Whitman I hear and behold God in every object, yet I understand God not in the least, Nor do I understand who there can be more wonderful than myself. —Song of Myself Thesis Walt Whitman was a narcissist. His narcissism began in childhood […] […]

Whitman, Motherhood, and the Ideal Nation

My final project examines Whitman’s ideal of motherhood in relationship to his desire to create the ideal nation. I propose that women to Whitman were necessary tools in his creation of the ideal nation.   Influenced by early eugenic thinkers, Whitman needed women to fulfill his dream of creating a perfect nation of physically fit and […] […]

Final Project – Whitman & Meditation

Below are links to my final project and the meditational exercise on powerpoint.  Hope everyone has a great break! whitman&meditation Presentation1 […]

Where Tara Found Whitman

PC100104   Ok. So here’s my disclaimer:  I cheated. (technically) This was supposed to be a video of me reading. I’m in the video, but only my feet can be seen. My excuse is two-fold. 1. Whitman told us (via his epitaph) to look for him under our bootsoles. I looked under my moccasins. 2. […] […]

Jennica’s Final Project (Dr. Singley’s class)

Final Paper presentation Final Paper […]

Bibliographic Essay 2

Bibliographic Essay The following essay examines Walt Whitman’s criticism from 1973-2004 in relation to motherhood, feminism, and the woman reader.  Four articles discuss Whitman’s relationship to his mother.  Six articles debate if Whitman’s poetry reveal feminist support.  Two articles discuss Whitman’s relationship with the woman reader.  Through this, one can view the ambivalence surrounding Walt […] […]

Bibliographic Essay

I don’t think that Iever submitted this … The attached represents the beginning of my search for evidence supporting/disproving Whitman’s support of the women’s rights movement. My conclusion…I need more information!bib essay […]

Final Project

Topic: Whitman’s Song of Myself as a Monomyth Thesis: Whitman adopts techniques from the classic hero’s epic and manages to convey the existential experience as well as the journey of the monomythic cycle. His long poem follows the form described in Joseph Campbell’s Hero With A Thousand Faces and Whitman seems to see his narrator’s […] […]

Adam B final project–musipoems

For my final project I took advantage of free access to Retro City Studios in Germantown (my friend is the owner). I was lucky that some of my former bandmates from Boston were down over Thanksgiving weekend and were happy to do a session while I read some of my favorite Whitman poems. I’m always […] […]