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Bibliographic Essay on Edith Wharton and the Failure of the New Woman

Though not entirely directed towards Whitman criticism, my bibliographic essay concerning Edith Wharton does make use of the influence that Whitman had on Wharton’s work. One article in particular speaks to the Whitmanian influences on the sexuality as depicted in Summer. However, there is no reason that it should have to stop there. This bibliographic […] […]

Whitman and Edith Wharton

Edith Wharton greatly admired Whitman. Her parents forbade her to read him when she was a child, considering him (and Poe) dissolute Bohemians. Wharton writes in her memoir, “A Further Glance,” that Leaves of Grass was “kept under lock and key, & brought out, like tobacco, only in the absence of the ‘the ladies’” (21). […] […]