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The Narcissist Walt Whitman

Origins and Manifestations of Narcissism in the Life and Work of Walt Whitman I hear and behold God in every object, yet I understand God not in the least, Nor do I understand who there can be more wonderful than myself. —Song of Myself Thesis Walt Whitman was a narcissist. His narcissism began in childhood […] […]

Final Project – Whitman & Meditation

Below are links to my final project and the meditational exercise on powerpoint.  Hope everyone has a great break! whitman&meditation Presentation1 […]

Feminism – Final Project

Beginning in 1850 Abby Price, one of the forerunners of the Women’s Rights Movement, was a spokesperson for women and their freedom.  One of the rights she lobbied for was economic independence.  She felt that without it women would never have personal, legal or physical freedom.  “She demanded equal pay for equal work, and she […] […]

Green Leaves: An Ecocritical Reading of Whitman’s Camden Poetry

The following link is to my final project prospectus.  I plan to analyze a selection of the poems Whitman wrote during his years in Camden through the lens of ecocriticism.  It seems as though Whitman, like many of his contemporaries, eagerly anticipated the booming industry of late nineteenth-century America, but also recognized the potential environmental […] […]