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Bibliographic Essay – Whitman & Mysticism

The title of my essay is “Evolution of an Approach: A Chronological Overview of Major Critical Approaches to the subject of Whitman and Mysticism.” Click on the links below to view my essay and the supplemental works cited. Whitman&Mysticism Works Cited […]

Edith Wharton’s Notes for an Essay on Walt Whitman

American novelist and short story writer Edith Wharton greatly admired Whitman and planned to write an essay about him. Her notes for the unfinished essay are archived with her papers at the Bieneche Library, Yale University. Whitman Notes Presentation […]

New York Times Coverage of Whitman’s Funeral

My graduate students  visited Whitman’s grave site in Harleigh Cemetery and read the following account of his burial. […]

Jennica’s Bibliographic Essay

Jennica’s Bib Essay […]

Structured yet Free: The Essence of Whitman’s “Eidòlons”

Thesis: Structured yet free, the form of “Eidólons” mimics, supports, and reinforces its content. Context – “I MET a seer…” Emmanuel Swedenborg: – The Seer Swedish scientist turned philosopher Doctrine of Correspondences: Every material thing has a spiritual counterpart, or “ultimate” Post-Swedenborgian The Unseen Universe Post-Swedenborgian book – Balfour Stewart & P.G. Tait Everything on earth is duplicated […] […]

A Pumpkin for Whitman

This week we made our way across Camden to Harleigh Cemetery, the site of Whitman’s mausoleum.  As we drove through Camden (and got a little mixed up along the way), we were surrounded by what we have come to know as being very typical of this city.  Let’s just say it’s far from the bustling […] […]

Mickle Street

During his stay in Camden NJ, Walt Whitman lived at the house on 330 Mickle Street. It was when Louisa Whitman, his mother, grew ill. Walt soon visited her, but she tragically died only three days after he came to Camden. After a brief return to D.C. he would move to Camden to live with […] […]

Johnstown Flood–Adam’s Digital Museum (Singley)

On May 31, 1889, Walt Whitman’s seventieth birthday, 2,209 people were killed when the South Fork Dam failed, sending a wall rushing water and debris cascading into the riverside town of Johnstown, Pennsylvania. It was the largest civilian loss of life in American history up to that time (McCullough, 4). It was also one of […] […]

Tara for Oct 22

“What is happiness, anyhow? Is this one of its hours, or the like of it?—so impalpable—a mere breath, an evanescent tinge?” (817). This week I have been totally absorbed with Whitman in New Jersey because of my Cultural Museum Project. I have traveled to the Whitman-Stafford house in Laurel Springs, NJ ( 305 Maple Ave), to […] […]

Material Culture Museum Exhibit – Chestnut st. between Broad & Fourth sts.

Chestnut Street – Between Broad and Fourth Whitman’s writing directly connected to this material topic is “The First Spring Day on Chestnut Street” from Whitman’s Specimen Days collection. In this piece of prose from around 1880-1881, Whitman expresses his joy and satisfaction at the scene on “Chestnut street — say between Broad and Fourth,” and […] […]