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Visitor Center Script: Whitman’s Lincoln Lectures

presentation Arguably, Whitman loved his country more than almost anything else in his life. When Lincoln, who to Whitman “saved” the nation during the Civil War, was assassinated on April 14, 1865, Whitman was quick to respond. On April 16, 1865, he wrote, “…if one name, one man, must be picked out, he [Lincoln], most […] […]

T.Wood’s Final Project – Cinepoem – “City of Ships”

I couldn’t find a way to upload this file to the website, so I uploaded it to youtube! direct youtube link (if you want to watch it “fullscreen”) Final note: All music chosen for this cinepoem was either of the time that “City of Ships” was written (1865) or by local musicians in either Philadelphia […] […]

Camden House & Grave

The Whitman House: Final Resting Place (on a beautiful fall day!): I depart as air, I shake my white locks At the runaway sun, I effuse my flesh in eddies, and drift it In lacy jags. I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I love. If you want me again look […] […]

Whitman Found

This picture was taken on Saturday, November 21 at approximately 3 pm. Where was I? at Starbucks, in Macy’s in Center City, Philadelphia […]

The United States to Old World Critics – Annotation


True Conquerors – Annotation


Life- Annotation


Tara for Nov 12

When I was doing some research on Drum-Taps, I stumbled upon a few authors who claimed that Drum-Taps was the pivot on which Whitman’s work turned. One critic claimed that it was the pivot that took Whitman from the physical to the spiritual. There is a good deal of Whitman’s spirituality in these later poems. Having […] […]

Cultural Museum: Timber Creek & Laurel Springs, NJ

“…commenc’d going for weeks at a time, even for months, down in the country, to a charmingly recluse and rural spot along Timber creek, twelve or thirteen miles from where it enters the Delaware river. Domicil’d at the farm house of my friends, the Staffords, near by, I lived half the time along this creek […] […]

Tara for Oct 15

I’ve heard the complaint that Whitman’s prose from the war period is a bit dry. While it may not be the most exciting and dynamic prose I’ve ever read, the historical presence of his work seems irreplaceable. I’m especially interested in this period of Whitman’s poetry and prose since I spend I significant amount of […] […]