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Crossing Brooklyn Ferry

Nicole for 22nd of September, 2009 When reading “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry”, I taught about Brooklynites still using the ferry to cross the river today, well maybe not the ferry, but the yellow water taxis. Never mind we have the all mighty 150 year old Brooklyn Bridge which took 14 years to build and finished in […] […]

Pedro for September 22:Blogging in the classroom

Blogging is more revolutionary then people think.  It’s one of the more popular activities on the web and if you’re not writing one, then you are certainly reading them. Blogging is a new platform for self-expression on the web. Websites such as Blogger and WordPress take all the technical difficulties out of the equation allowing […] […]

Pedro for September 22:Blogging in the classroom

Blogging is more revolutionary then people think. It’s one of the more popular activities on the web and if you’re not writing one, then you are certainly reading them. Blogging is a new platform for self-expression on the web. Websites such as Blogger and Wordpress take all the technical difficulties out of the equation allowing […] […]

oatakan / sep 22nd

My recent posts and comments, I was wondering about Whitman’s education. I even had questions on my comments to other fellow students about his education, like what a talent of a person on using words in an enchanting way to express feelings and thoughts. By the time of reading leaves of grass, I started to get more curious about Whitman’s life, […] […]

danique for 9/22

In the last lecture, we had some great ideas on how to tackle understanding literary texts. After that class I began to think about some of the questions we asked and wondered what their answers would entail. The questions we thought of during our class discussion helped us to further analyze Walt Whitman’s character and […] […]

Serpent Drum Reference Image Gloss

Walt Whitman was well read, despite the fact he didn’t recieve any formal education beyond his youth. He had knowledge of medicine and religion among other things. I selected this because I didn’t understand the context. Walking the teokallis, spotted with gore from the stone and knife-beating the serpent skin drum; Teocallis is another word for Aztec […] […]

Eunice’s Image gloss

A child said What is the grass? fetching it to me with full hands; How could I answer the child? I do not know what it is any more than he. I guess it must be the flag of my disposition, out of hopeful green stuff woven. Or I guess it is the handkerchief of […] […]

Protected: Class Notes – September 15

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post. […]

Eunice for September 15

After a class on tuesday, I learn more about Whitman than before.  Whitman was born on Long Island in 1819 and he was the second of nine children.  Walt Whitman worked as a journalist, a teacher, a government clerk and his major work, Leave of Grass, was first  published in 1855.  Although his childhood was unhappy due to his family’s issue and economic status, he had […] […]

Chase for September 15th

Walt Whitman, as an author, has a distingushed manner in which he transfers his thoughts and messages into his work. In reading his work, one realizes that Whitman’s challenge as a was consistency. It was as if he simply had so much information to offer and so many ideas he wanted to share with the […] […]