Eunice for September 15

After a class on tuesday, I learn more about Whitman than before.  Whitman was born on Long Island in 1819 and he was the second of nine children.  Walt Whitman worked as a journalist, a teacher, a government clerk and his major work, Leave of Grass, was first  published in 1855.  Although his childhood was unhappy due to his family’s issue and economic status, he had written many  influence poets.

When I read ” Song of Myself”, I was not quit understand what does it mean because there were too many vocabulary that I do not know.  After I went to the class on last thursday, this poem is meaningful but I did not think when I read it by myself at home.  When the professor discuss in class with us, I learn more about Whitman.

In the poem ” Song of Myself'”,

celebrat myself, and sing myself,
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.

I loafe and invite my soul,
I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass.

from I to You, he wants to touch his reader.  This “I” and ” You” in his poem has a connection.  Each people has different stories, they are unique; however, we share everything in this world.

One thought on “Eunice for September 15

  1. This is very interesting– I too, read about his early childhood days, which I’m very much fascinated about. I’m curious as to how one’s childhood/memories can have an impact in one’s writings :)

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