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America by Whitman and Jeans by Levi Strauss, oatakan for Nov 17th

image source:        Few minutes ago, I was commenting on Levi’s commercial and now I think it will better if write about little more. First of all, it is astonishing work done by Levi’s and made me think about the concept. I searched through the Leaves of Grass and found the poem. “Centre of […] […]

Sooo disappointed

                Our class went to visit the Brooklyn Historical Society last Tuesday. Although the library was closed that day our tour guide was eager to help in any way she could. Our goal here was to gather as much information as we possibly could about a specific address that we chose, that relates to a […] […]

Brooklyn Historic Society

Nicole Gajadhar for November 10th, 2009 The Brooklyn Historical Society was founded in 1863 as the Long Island Historical Society.  During this time  in Brooklyn, the borough was considered  the cultural center of Long Island.  During the decades the building has changed, during WWI the auditorium was changed into a Red Cross area and then […] […]

Old, Cold and Cool Place by oatakan, Nov 10

        Last week we dived into the history in Brooklyn Historical Society Library. The place was  very interesting that you come cross to see these kinds of places in movies. I could sense the musty smell of books. It was very cold inside that reason was paper needed to be cold in order to survive […] […]

Walking Tour

         Last class was a very interesting one. Our class went on a mini scavenger hunt looking for the many places Whitman would have been throughout Brooklyn. We went on a walking tour in downtown Brooklyn. It was interesting to know the different areas Whitman would go to eat, work, explore nature etc.           During […] […]

USNOW and Looking for Whitman Today

While I was surfing the web on a rainy night, I stumbled a documentary called USNOW.  The reason I felt this documentary was relevant to the Looking for Whitman Project was because it embodies one of the main themes of the project, community participation. USNOW is a documentary that discusses how user participation and group […] […]

Whitman’s New York

Nicole for October 20th, 2009 New York then and New York Now. While reading Whitman Biography, as well as our readings I taught about how similar people taught about things then and now, as well as how our lives in the 21st century can translate to that period in time.   The burdens of life, […] […]

The Brooklyn Ferry

The history of the Brooklyn ferry is quite interesting. The ferry in Brooklyn dates back to 1643. Many of us were too young to understand what this invention had to offer at the time, but it became a great way to travel. Not only were the people on the ferry able to view the sites […] […]

Mother-Son Relationships

For October 20, 2009 We have come across many different types of relationships during our lives. One of the things that make it so special is that they are all unique. There are all different forms of relationships such as one between friends, a partner, a husband or wife, a serious long term, or a […] […]

Oatakan for October 20th (Sea of Long Island)

Oatakan  for October 20th               As a lover of Sea, it is inevitable for me not to notice the sea while reading Whitman’s lines; hence I can tell the sea was one of his great divine influence or in other words an inspiration for him.  I guess watching the horizon the infinity and sound of […] […]