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Chase for October 27th…

On Tuesday, October 20, 2009, Professor Gold took on a short field trip with one thing on the mind: Where’s Whitman? Our “tour leader” name was Jesse Merandy. As we ‘Walked with Whitman” through downtown Brooklyn, Jesse showed us many things that in some way form of fashion related to Whitman. We saw the building […] […]

Walking Tour

         Last class was a very interesting one. Our class went on a mini scavenger hunt looking for the many places Whitman would have been throughout Brooklyn. We went on a walking tour in downtown Brooklyn. It was interesting to know the different areas Whitman would go to eat, work, explore nature etc.           During […] […]

field trip_fulton ferry landing

flow on, river! flow with the flood-tide.  and ebb with ebb-tide! frolic on, crested and scallop-edg’d waves! gorgeous clouds of the sunset! drench with your splendor me, or the men and women generations after me! cross from shore to shore, countless crowds of passengers! stand up, tall masts of mannahatta! stand up, beautiful hills of brooklyn! […] […]

Chuck for Oct. 20th

This morning I embarked on a quest to seek out the location of the current day “5 Points”. I was headed towards the corner of Worth and Baxter. Having parked my car on Mott, a block from Doyer, I had to pass through Columbus Park to get to Worth and Baxter. While in Columbus Park […] […]

Walking Tour (Oct 20th)

The walking tour was an interesting and educational experience. While we walked, we were allowed a glimpse of the world that raised Whitman and procured some of the greatest revolutionary thinkers in American history. We visited the Plymouth Church near where Whitman lived and where he and key figures in history like Abraham Lincoln, Martin […] […]