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Reflection (Final Post)

This has definitely been one of my more interesting classes in college. I’ve never had to do this much research or devote this much time to any course nor have I been encouraged to submit assignments in any format other than the traditional ‘Read the book and write an essay’ format. I came into the […] […]


          At the beginning, I had concerns that class would be difficult and stressful, however by the time I got used to it. It was difficult to pick some lines of Whitman and write about it and it was difficult to understand the words he used. By the time I started enjoying it and never […] […]


Danique Love               My Experience in the Looking for Whitman class was an especially complicated but beneficial one. I think that Whitman himself was a difficult person to completely understand within a short amount of time.  At the same time, I learned to keep trying at the things I want to achieve, and to […] […]

Where Danique found Whitman Part II

This blog is the “Where Danique found Whitman” segment of the project, but this another video of me reading Walt Whitman’s poem. I really liked this poem. It was interesting because it was one of the things I often wonder about often. The poem was called “To think of Time.” […]

Where Danique found Whitman

  I think that because I have taken the long journey to find Whitman. I figured why not find him in my house. So I did. I found Whitman in my home. This I feel was a relevant place because it was there that I did most of my work, projects, and blogs in response […] […]


The way a person is brought up defines a good part of who they’ll grow up to be. Not to say that you can’t change or discover new things about yourself, but that upbringing gives you roots, whether positive or negative that plants your feet, firmly, on the ground you stand. This will follow you […] […]

Where Nicole Found Whitman.

After reading Franklin Evans I was shocked and in some ways proud of this book. I enjoyed it! It was interesting and it made me think a lot about how we as New Yorkers drink sociably and enjoy life. Some of us drink more wisely than others, but alcohol is a big part of our […] […]

Lecture on the Irish and Tammany Hall

Those of you who have worked a bit on the Five Points neighborhood in New York might be interested in the following lecture at the CUNY Graduate Center by some well-known journalists and historians: Irish New York: A New Look at Tammany Hall and Its Legacy Tammany Hall has long been a synonym for corruption. […] […]

Another Look at Fort Greene

Fort Greene History is all around us, especially in Whitman’s Brooklyn. I am aware that New York City has many historical landmarks but I didn’t realize the significance of Fort Greene and how Whitman helped create it. The class met at the park, along the way I saw Walt Whitman projects across the street. We […] […]

A Day At Fort Greene Park

A reading of Whitman’s work. nicole | MySpace Video This tour of the park and of Brooklyn was such an inspirational day. Living in NYC I never knew  Brooklyn was filled with such rich history. This was such a great day for learning being inspired. The music and the lyrics added more adventure to my […] […]