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fabfab for nov 17

I dreamt of Frank Evans….. It must have been a few sentences into the third chapter, sleep won over me and shut me down. I saw my self dismounting out of the horse wagon, Frank Evans and all the rest of the passengers also getting off. Me and Frank had come to the city to make […] […]

Sooo disappointed

                Our class went to visit the Brooklyn Historical Society last Tuesday. Although the library was closed that day our tour guide was eager to help in any way she could. Our goal here was to gather as much information as we possibly could about a specific address that we chose, that relates to a […] […]

Franklin Evans

Presentation […]

ermir for nov. 10

The visit at the Brooklyn Historical Museum was informative. I am majoring in architecture and I was amazed by the maps they had at the Museum. When the curator showed us the historical atlases, I felt more comfortable than the rest of my fellow classmates and I jumped right in action, to figure out how the atlases […] […]

Chase For November 10th

On Tuesday, November 3rd, our class took place outside of our usual environment. Professor Gold requested that we all meet at a local library called the Brooklyn Historical Science [BHS]. Previously known as Long Island Historical Science, this library is the best place to go if one is researching or attempting to find out more […] […]

The Other Side of Whitman (Nov. 10 Post)

The introduction to ‘Franklin Evans’ or ‘The Inebriate’ revealed a side of Whitman that many texts decline to show. Walt Whitman is best known as the people’s poet – a man who dedicated his life to writing poetry with the potential to unite an entire nation. He accepted African Americans as fellow men in a […] […]

Brooklyn Historic Society

Nicole Gajadhar for November 10th, 2009 The Brooklyn Historical Society was founded in 1863 as the Long Island Historical Society.  During this time  in Brooklyn, the borough was considered  the cultural center of Long Island.  During the decades the building has changed, during WWI the auditorium was changed into a Red Cross area and then […] […]

Old, Cold and Cool Place by oatakan, Nov 10

        Last week we dived into the history in Brooklyn Historical Society Library. The place was  very interesting that you come cross to see these kinds of places in movies. I could sense the musty smell of books. It was very cold inside that reason was paper needed to be cold in order to survive […] […]

Photos from the Brooklyn Historical Society Visit

Here are some photos taken during the visit that the City Tech class made to the Brooklyn Historical Society on November 3rd.  The trip was part of a new research project in which each student in the course chose an address in which Whitman lived briefly during his time in Brooklyn.  Students will perform historical […] […]

Blast From the Past: Brooklyn Walking Tour

Test […]