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USNOW and Looking for Whitman Today

While I was surfing the web on a rainy night, I stumbled a documentary called USNOW.  The reason I felt this documentary was relevant to the Looking for Whitman Project was because it embodies one of the main themes of the project, community participation. USNOW is a documentary that discusses how user participation and group […] […]

Chuck for Oct. 20th

This morning I embarked on a quest to seek out the location of the current day “5 Points”. I was headed towards the corner of Worth and Baxter. Having parked my car on Mott, a block from Doyer, I had to pass through Columbus Park to get to Worth and Baxter. While in Columbus Park […] […]

Walking Tour (Oct 20th)

The walking tour was an interesting and educational experience. While we walked, we were allowed a glimpse of the world that raised Whitman and procured some of the greatest revolutionary thinkers in American history. We visited the Plymouth Church near where Whitman lived and where he and key figures in history like Abraham Lincoln, Martin […] […]

Whitman’s New York

Nicole for October 20th, 2009 New York then and New York Now. While reading Whitman Biography, as well as our readings I taught about how similar people taught about things then and now, as well as how our lives in the 21st century can translate to that period in time.   The burdens of life, […] […]

October 20

This is the assigned reading from last week. Mother, Father, Wather, Earth, Me I think Whitman can wrote those influential and innovative poet because his life experience. Whitman moved to Brooklyn in 1823, and Brooklyn grow quickly in 1855.  He was seeing the changes of Brooklyn. Unlike Walt Whitman has a ” restless and unhappy […] […]

The Brooklyn Ferry

The history of the Brooklyn ferry is quite interesting. The ferry in Brooklyn dates back to 1643. Many of us were too young to understand what this invention had to offer at the time, but it became a great way to travel. Not only were the people on the ferry able to view the sites […] […]

Protected: Bowery B’hoys

There is no excerpt because this is a protected post. […]

Oct 20 Post

This is actually two short responses combined into one post on the reading we were assigned this week.  Mother, Father, Water, Earth, Me: First off, I can’t help commenting on the descriptions of the New York Whitman grew up in.  Many of the things Whitman lived through, I can’t really relate to. ‘The Red Death’? I […] […]

fabfab for oct 20 While reading chapter 5 of Justin Kaplan’s Walt Whitman: A  life (1980)  I read about Walt whitman’s claims of “dashing the novel off in three days”   of it.” (pg105) mention” George Whitman recalled that Walt never took any pride in his book. “Quite the contrary. He rather disliked or laughed at the The […] […]

ermir for septmber 29th

What was that influence Walt Whitman to not believe at Christianity, at the time where his family had Christian background? Walt Whitman was born in West Hills, near Huntington, in Long Island.  Coming from a mixed family, Walt Whitman’s father came from an English family and his mother’s origin was Dutch. Walter Whitman Sr. the […] […]