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November 24th, 2009:

Lincoln follows me home for Thanksgiving…

Hey Whitmaniacs, I seriously doubted that I would be back on the blog within 3 hours of leaving class. But I couldn’t resist-

So Im sitting in my living room with my mom and sister, watching the History Channel special on the history of Thanksgiving…and who signed the proclamation establishing Thanksgiving? Old Abe.

I feel ya, Walt. Who wouldn’t have a crush on this man?

Here’s a link to the History Channel page.

Lincoln follows me home for Thanksgiving…

Hey Whitmaniacs, I seriously doubted that I would be back on the blog within 3 hours of leaving class. But I couldn’t resist-

So Im sitting in my living room with my mom and sister, watching the History Channel special on the history of Thanksgiving…and who signed the proclamation establishing Thanksgiving? Old Abe.

I feel ya, Walt. Who wouldn’t have a crush on this man?

Here’s a link to the History Channel page.


memoranda intro

Where Chuck Found Whitman

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Where Chuck Found Whitman

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Where Chuck Found Whitman

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Where Chuck Found Whitman

Where Chuck Found Whitman

Where Chuck Found Whitman

Where Chuck Found Whitman

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