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September 14th, 2009:

jennifer for september 15

At first, I had a very general idea of who Walt Whitman was, that he was a famous poet.. but after Professor Karbiener explained to us what kind of man he really was, I was surprised to find out that Walt Whitman wasn’t an educated poetry man back in the days, he was a regular working class man, he was a street poet. Who would’ve thought, a blue collar man will make it so big through his works of literature when he wasn’t educated professionally. This only makes me wonder, anything IS really possible if you go for it.

When I first read “Song of Myself”, I would’ve never thought the author was someone who didn’t get to finish school, wrote such a meaningful piece of work. Not only is it long and full of hidden meanings in almost every section. And what really impressed me, was that throughout the poem, you are able to find something that you can relate yourself to.

For me, I really like these lines

“I have heard what the talkers were talking, the talk of the
beginning and the end,
But I do not talk of the beginning or the end.

There was never any more inception than there is now,
Nor any more youth or age than there is now,
And will never be any more perfection than there is now,
Nor any more heaven or hell than there is now.”

I think that Whitman is saying that he he’s heard about the before and after’s, but what’s important is what’s right now. I think he is saying it’s not about what’s happened before, or what is going to happen in the future, but, the most important thing is, what is happening right now.

Last week was my first time attending this class, and within the first half hour, I had signed up for my own blog, I’ve never had a blog before; I didn’t even know how to operate one until towards the end of class, with the help of Professor Claire.  Yet I’ve always wanted one because it’s like an electronic journal. I never made a blog before because I wouldn’t know what to write in it, hence there wouldn’t be any readers, well I still don’t know if people will read mine but at least now  I have topics to write about and so many other students entries to read from. Now I really look forward to this class because not only do we get to educate ourselves from the works of Walt Whitman and learn about him, but we are part of an innovative project called “Looking for Whitman: the Poetry of Place in the Life and Work of Walt Whitman”, how cool is that! We get to learn through poetry and be part of it. Literature class has just gotten more enjoyable :)

Jennifer’s ImageGloss


“Showing the best and dividing it from the worst age vexes age,
Knowing the perfect fitness and equanimity of things, while they
discuss I am silent, and go bathe and admire myself.”

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary online,
Main Entry: equa·nim·i·ty
Pronunciation: ˌē-kwə-ˈni-mə-tē, ˌe-kwə-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural equa·nim·i·ties
1 : evenness of mind especially under stress <nothing could disturb his equanimity>
2 : right disposition : balance <physical equanimity>
After reading through this definition, I could only figure out that equanimity had to do with being able to set your mind straight even when stressed, so i went on and i found this definition ;
-mental or emotional stability or composure, esp. under tension or strain; calmness; equilibrium.
-the quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure.

serenity, self-possession, aplomb.
panic, disquiet, discomposure, agitation.

After reading the second definition, in my words, i think equanimity is being in a state of tranquility under stress or tension. I choose this picture of the even water ripple because it shows the balance of water on each side , just like being able to balance your thoughts when there’s alot going on, and yet this picture is very calming.  In Whitman’s lines, i feel like he is saying that he is able to keep a good poise through things. Well, when I am undergoing stress or tension, i usually listen to relaxing and instrumental music to keep my mind straight, and also a cup of tea works everytime :) , so tell me what are some things you guys do when you are trying to reach”equanimity” ?

Jennifer’s ImageGloss


“Showing the best and dividing it from the worst age vexes age,
Knowing the perfect fitness and equanimity of things, while they
discuss I am silent, and go bathe and admire myself.”

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary online,
Main Entry: equa·nim·i·ty
Pronunciation: ˌē-kwə-ˈni-mə-tē, ˌe-kwə-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural equa·nim·i·ties
1 : evenness of mind especially under stress <nothing could disturb his equanimity>
2 : right disposition : balance <physical equanimity>
After reading through this definition, I could only figure out that equanimity had to do with being able to set your mind straight even when stressed, so i went on and i found this definition ;
-mental or emotional stability or composure, esp. under tension or strain; calmness; equilibrium.
-the quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure.

serenity, self-possession, aplomb.
panic, disquiet, discomposure, agitation.

After reading the second definition, in my words, i think equanimity is being in a state of tranquility under stress or tension. I choose this picture of the even water ripple because it shows the balance of water on each side , just like being able to balance your thoughts when there’s alot going on, and yet this picture is very calming.  In Whitman’s lines, i feel like he is saying that he is able to keep a good poise through things. Well, when I am undergoing stress or tension, i usually listen to relaxing and instrumental music to keep my mind straight, and also a cup of tea works everytime :) , so tell me what are some things you guys do when you are trying to reach”equanimity” ?

Jennifer’s ImageGloss


“Showing the best and dividing it from the worst age vexes age,
Knowing the perfect fitness and equanimity of things, while they
discuss I am silent, and go bathe and admire myself.”

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary online,
Main Entry: equa·nim·i·ty
Pronunciation: ˌē-kwə-ˈni-mə-tē, ˌe-kwə-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural equa·nim·i·ties
1 : evenness of mind especially under stress <nothing could disturb his equanimity>
2 : right disposition : balance <physical equanimity>
After reading through this definition, I could only figure out that equanimity had to do with being able to set your mind straight even when stressed, so i went on and i found this definition ;
-mental or emotional stability or composure, esp. under tension or strain; calmness; equilibrium.
-the quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure.

serenity, self-possession, aplomb.
panic, disquiet, discomposure, agitation.

After reading the second definition, in my words, i think equanimity is being in a state of tranquility under stress or tension. I choose this picture of the even water ripple because it shows the balance of water on each side , just like being able to balance your thoughts when there’s alot going on, and yet this picture is very calming.  In Whitman’s lines, i feel like he is saying that he is able to keep a good poise through things. Well, when I am undergoing stress or tension, i usually listen to relaxing and instrumental music to keep my mind straight, and also a cup of tea works everytime :) , so tell me what are some things you guys do when you are trying to reach”equanimity” ?

Jennifer’s ImageGloss


“Showing the best and dividing it from the worst age vexes age,
Knowing the perfect fitness and equanimity of things, while they
discuss I am silent, and go bathe and admire myself.”

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary online,
Main Entry: equa·nim·i·ty
Pronunciation: ˌē-kwə-ˈni-mə-tē, ˌe-kwə-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural equa·nim·i·ties
1 : evenness of mind especially under stress <nothing could disturb his equanimity>
2 : right disposition : balance <physical equanimity>
After reading through this definition, I could only figure out that equanimity had to do with being able to set your mind straight even when stressed, so i went on and i found this definition ;
-mental or emotional stability or composure, esp. under tension or strain; calmness; equilibrium.
-the quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure.

serenity, self-possession, aplomb.
panic, disquiet, discomposure, agitation.

After reading the second definition, in my words, i think equanimity is being in a state of tranquility under stress or tension. I choose this picture of the even water ripple because it shows the balance of water on each side , just like being able to balance your thoughts when there’s alot going on, and yet this picture is very calming.  In Whitman’s lines, i feel like he is saying that he is able to keep a good poise through things. Well, when I am undergoing stress or tension, i usually listen to relaxing and instrumental music to keep my mind straight, and also a cup of tea works everytime :) , so tell me what are some things you guys do when you are trying to reach”equanimity” ?

Jennifer’s ImageGloss


“Showing the best and dividing it from the worst age vexes age,
Knowing the perfect fitness and equanimity of things, while they
discuss I am silent, and go bathe and admire myself.”

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary online,
Main Entry: equa·nim·i·ty
Pronunciation: ˌē-kwə-ˈni-mə-tē, ˌe-kwə-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural equa·nim·i·ties
1 : evenness of mind especially under stress <nothing could disturb his equanimity>
2 : right disposition : balance <physical equanimity>
After reading through this definition, I could only figure out that equanimity had to do with being able to set your mind straight even when stressed, so i went on and i found this definition ;
-mental or emotional stability or composure, esp. under tension or strain; calmness; equilibrium.
-the quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure.

serenity, self-possession, aplomb.
panic, disquiet, discomposure, agitation.

After reading the second definition, in my words, i think equanimity is being in a state of tranquility under stress or tension. I choose this picture of the even water ripple because it shows the balance of water on each side , just like being able to balance your thoughts when there’s alot going on, and yet this picture is very calming.  In Whitman’s lines, i feel like he is saying that he is able to keep a good poise through things. Well, when I am undergoing stress or tension, i usually listen to relaxing and instrumental music to keep my mind straight, and also a cup of tea works everytime :) , so tell me what are some things you guys do when you are trying to reach”equanimity” ?

Jennifer’s ImageGloss


“Showing the best and dividing it from the worst age vexes age,
Knowing the perfect fitness and equanimity of things, while they
discuss I am silent, and go bathe and admire myself.”

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary online,
Main Entry: equa·nim·i·ty
Pronunciation: ˌē-kwə-ˈni-mə-tē, ˌe-kwə-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural equa·nim·i·ties
1 : evenness of mind especially under stress <nothing could disturb his equanimity>
2 : right disposition : balance <physical equanimity>
After reading through this definition, I could only figure out that equanimity had to do with being able to set your mind straight even when stressed, so i went on and i found this definition ;
mental or emotional stability or composure, esp. under tension or strain; calmness; equilibrium.
-the quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure.

serenity, self-possession, aplomb.
panic, disquiet, discomposure, agitation.

After reading the second definition, in my words, i think equanimity is being in a state of tranquility under stress or tension. I choose this picture of the even water ripple because it shows the balance of water on each side , just like being able to balance your thoughts when there’s alot going on, and yet this picture is very calming.  In Whitman’s lines, i feel like he is saying that he is able to keep a good poise through things. Well, when I am undergoing stress or tension, i usually listen to relaxing and instrumental music to keep my mind straight, and also a cup of tea works everytime :) , so tell me what are some things you guys do when you are trying to reach”equanimity” ?

Jennifer’s ImageGloss


“Showing the best and dividing it from the worst age vexes age,
Knowing the perfect fitness and equanimity of things, while they
discuss I am silent, and go bathe and admire myself.”

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary online,
Main Entry: equa·nim·i·ty
Pronunciation: ˌē-kwə-ˈni-mə-tē, ˌe-kwə-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural equa·nim·i·ties
1 : evenness of mind especially under stress <nothing could disturb his equanimity>
2 : right disposition : balance <physical equanimity>
After reading through this definition, I could only figure out that equanimity had to do with being able to set your mind straight even when stressed, so i went on and i found this definition ;
mental or emotional stability or composure, esp. under tension or strain; calmness; equilibrium.
-the quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure.

serenity, self-possession, aplomb.
panic, disquiet, discomposure, agitation.

After reading the second definition, in my words, i think equanimity is being in a state of tranquility under stress or tension. I choose this picture of the even water ripple because it shows the balance of water on each side , just like being able to balance your thoughts when there’s alot going on, and yet this picture is very calming.  In Whitman’s lines, i feel like he is saying that he is able to keep a good poise through things. Well, when I am undergoing stress or tension, i usually listen to relaxing and instrumental music to keep my mind straight, and also a cup of tea works everytime :), so tell me what are some things you guys do when you are trying to reach”equanimity” ?

danique for 9/15/09

So far I think the class is a challenging one, but good because its not what I am used to. I am used to the ordinary tests, quizzes, and exams every so often, but I think this class has changed the whole traditional meaning of an English 1275 class, for the better.

Walt Whitman is an interesting poet. He must have been, because of of all the constant reviews, expressed thoughts, and criticism he endured. although Whitman lived a life where great responsibilities and expectations were forced upon him, he selfishly thought of his family, instead of himself first. Its striking how people demanded so much from him, while growing up in a dysfunctional family. the things he would recapture from his memory through poetry are indescribable. Most of the ideas, imagery, and imagination behind his poem “Song of Myself,” I believe were ones that possibliy went on throughout his childhood or even lifetime.

I enjoyed working on the frontispiece assignment. It was creative to have an image of ourselves on the blogs as well as our favorite lines from the poem “Song of Myself.” I picked a picture that I thought related to things that live on forever. For example I chose a picture of me and the background showing a body of water and the sky. I didn’t realize the connection until one of the bloggers from the other schools told me about it. The line that was most important and connected most with my frontispiece image is “eternity lies in bottomless reservoirs…its buckets are rising forever and ever.” These lines really spoke to me because I often find myself wondering about eternity. I see that Walt Whitman often enjoyed exploring what eternity may include.

        Another one of my favorite lines in Walt Whitman’s poem involved him portraying himself as a “hounded slave.” I think that the level of detail in those lines was created as a method to connect it to what he experienced throughout his life. I believe that he preferred these lines because he had to actually become a slave within his family. I think that the roles that he had to play in his family as the caretaker for his siblings who were mostly sick with diseases and infirmities, provider for the household, and help his father at his job. Walt Whitman’s childhood life wasn’t one that most of us would be eager to have but he endured. Whitman’s imagination and ability to be creative and construct these lines intensifies his ability to think far beyond ordinary poets.

        Walt Whitman incorporated the lines “I am an acme of things accomplished and I an encloser of things to be.” I think that these lines signify the way he portrays himself. I think as he described himself as the climax of things achieved and the surrounding of things to be, he meant that this was not the last of him that his audience will see. He claimed that no matter what people may perceive of him that he will not under any circumstances fall, but always endure the challenges that are set before him. I think that was what he did when he wrote all of those positive comments about him while at the same time people were critiquing him. I admire Walt Whitman’s energy and ability to continue to do what he does best although there were many in his audience that were repulsed by his creative and unique style of writing.


danique for 9/15/09

So far I think the class is a challenging one, but good because its not what I am used to. I am used to the ordinary tests, quizzes, and exams every so often, but I think this class has changed the whole traditional meaning of an English 1275 class, for the better.

Walt Whitman is an interesting poet. He must have been, because of of all the constant reviews, expressed thoughts, and criticism he endured. although Whitman lived a life where great responsibilities and expectations were forced upon him, he selfishly thought of his family, instead of himself first. Its striking how people demanded so much from him, while growing up in a dysfunctional family. the things he would recapture from his memory through poetry are indescribable. Most of the ideas, imagery, and imagination behind his poem “Song of Myself,” I believe were ones that possibliy went on throughout his childhood or even lifetime.

I enjoyed working on the frontispiece assignment. It was creative to have an image of ourselves on the blogs as well as our favorite lines from the poem “Song of Myself.” I picked a picture that I thought related to things that live on forever. For example I chose a picture of me and the background showing a body of water and the sky. I didn’t realize the connection until one of the bloggers from the other schools told me about it. The line that was most important and connected most with my frontispiece image is “eternity lies in bottomless reservoirs…its buckets are rising forever and ever.” These lines really spoke to me because I often find myself wondering about eternity. I see that Walt Whitman often enjoyed exploring what eternity may include.

        Another one of my favorite lines in Walt Whitman’s poem involved him portraying himself as a “hounded slave.” I think that the level of detail in those lines was created as a method to connect it to what he experienced throughout his life. I believe that he preferred these lines because he had to actually become a slave within his family. I think that the roles that he had to play in his family as the caretaker for his siblings who were mostly sick with diseases and infirmities, provider for the household, and help his father at his job. Walt Whitman’s childhood life wasn’t one that most of us would be eager to have but he endured. Whitman’s imagination and ability to be creative and construct these lines intensifies his ability to think far beyond ordinary poets.

        Walt Whitman incorporated the lines “I am an acme of things accomplished and I an encloser of things to be.” I think that these lines signify the way he portrays himself. I think as he described himself as the climax of things achieved and the surrounding of things to be, he meant that this was not the last of him that his audience will see. He claimed that no matter what people may perceive of him that he will not under any circumstances fall, but always endure the challenges that are set before him. I think that was what he did when he wrote all of those positive comments about him while at the same time people were critiquing him. I admire Walt Whitman’s energy and ability to continue to do what he does best although there were many in his audience that were repulsed by his creative and unique style of writing.


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