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September 6th, 2009:

Song of Amber

Come my children.

Come my biys and girls, and my women and household and intimates.

Now the performer launches his nerve….he has passed his prelude on the reeds within.

Easily written losefingered chords! I feel the thrum of their climax close.

My head evolves on my neck,

Music rolls, but not from the organ….folks are around me, but they are no household of mine.


These lines meant the most to me because they were the only ones I could find that related to instrumental music. Being a former band dork, I felt somewhat obligated to pick them. ^-^’


Song of Amber

Come my children.

Come my biys and girls, and my women and household and intimates.

Now the performer launches his nerve….he has passed his prelude on the reeds within.

Easily written losefingered chords! I feel the thrum of their climax close.

My head evolves on my neck,

Music rolls, but not from the organ….folks are around me, but they are no household of mine.


These lines meant the most to me because they were the only ones I could find that related to instrumental music. Being a former band dork, I felt somewhat obligated to pick them. ^-^’


Song of Leigh-Ann

I am he that walks with the tender and

growing night;

I call to the earth and sea half held by the


Press close barebosomed night! Press close

magnetic nourishing night!

Night of south winds!Night of the large few


Still nodding night~ Mad naked summer


Although I was torn between these lines and those on the preceding page, “I exist as I am, that is enough” my maternal instincts guided me to choose the above. I chose not to concern myself with the gender difference for I read of Walt’s interchanging of gender in a poem .

To me, these lines represent the many wakeful nights I spent over the past 8 months caring for my newborn son, Jonah.  In the beginning, the night frightened me.  As the months progressed, however, I learned to embrace its soft beauty and cherish the invaluable time I had to nourish, love, and care for my son. Now, as I embark on my doctoral adventure, I call my thanks to the sea and earth for the opportunity to bond with Jonah and ask that I be granted strength as I commence my studies this, “mad naked summer night”!

Jonah and mommy

Jonah and mommy

Song of Christina


Song of Christina

Swift wind! Space! My Soul! Now I know it is true what I

guessed at;

What I guessed when I loafed on the grass,

What I guessed while I lay alone on my bed… and again as

I walked the beach under the paling stars of the


For me, these lines represent those beautiful but fleeting moments of my life when I’ve been completely engulfed by clarity and peace. These are moments of solitude and meditation—sitting by the ocean, strolling through a gallery, wandering through a garden—during which I suddenly realized the answers to the big questions were within reach, and all was, and always had been, right with the world. They are the moments that forced me to slow down, acknowledge the magnificence of my surroundings, and embrace, however temporarily, a rejuvenated and fearless perspective.

Song of Christina


Song of Christina

Swift wind! Space! My Soul! Now I know it is true what I

guessed at;

What I guessed when I loafed on the grass,

What I guessed while I lay alone on my bed… and again as

I walked the beach under the paling stars of the


For me, these lines represent those beautiful but fleeting moments of my life when I’ve been completely engulfed by clarity and peace. These are moments of solitude and meditation—sitting by the ocean, strolling through a gallery, wandering through a garden—during which I suddenly realized the answers to the big questions were within reach, and all was, and always had been, right with the world. They are the moments that forced me to slow down, acknowledge the magnificence of my surroundings, and embrace, however temporarily, a rejuvenated and fearless perspective.

Song of Christina


Song of Christina

Swift wind! Space! My Soul! Now I know it is true what I

guessed at;

What I guessed when I loafed on the grass,

What I guessed while I lay alone on my bed… and again as

I walked the beach under the paling stars of the


For me, these lines represent those beautiful but fleeting moments of my life when I’ve been completely engulfed by clarity and peace. These are moments of solitude and meditation—sitting by the ocean, strolling through a gallery, wandering through a garden—during which I suddenly realized the answers to the big questions were within reach, and all was, and always had been, right with the world. They are the moments that forced me to slow down, acknowledge the magnificence of my surroundings, and embrace, however temporarily, a rejuvenated and fearless perspective.

Song of Christina


Song of Christina

Swift wind! Space! My Soul! Now I know it is true what I

guessed at;

What I guessed when I loafed on the grass,

What I guessed while I lay alone on my bed… and again as

I walked the beach under the paling stars of the


For me, these lines represent those beautiful but fleeting moments of my life when I’ve been completely engulfed by clarity and peace. These are moments of solitude and meditation—sitting by the ocean, strolling through a gallery, wandering through a garden—during which I suddenly realized the answers to the big questions were within reach, and all was, and always had been, right with the world. They are the moments that forced me to slow down, acknowledge the magnificence of my surroundings, and embrace, however temporarily, a rejuvenated and fearless perspective.

Song of Audrey

I am satisfied . . . . I see, dance, laugh, sing;
As God comes a loving bedfellow and sleeps at my side all night and close on the peep of the day,
And leaves for me baskets covered with white towels bulging the house with their plenty,
Shall I postpone my acceptation and realization and scream at my eyes,
That they turn from gazing after and down the road,
And forthwith cipher and show me to a cent,
Exactly the contents of one, and exactly the contents of two, and which is ahead.

Brendon’s Image Gloss

“Where cheese-cloth hangs in the kitchen, and andirons straddle the hearth-slab…”

Andiron: Either of a pair of metal supports for firewood used on a hearth and made of a horizontal bar mounted on short legs with usually a vertical shaft surmounting the front end. (Merriam-Webster)

Often cast in the form of a statue or with elaborate decorations. Also referred to as a fire-dog for its dog like appearance. (Encyclopedia-Britannica)

The andiron imagery in Whitman’s “Song of Myself” is one of the many ways in which he invokes the spirit of the common person. The andiron was a tool used by everyone but, as can be seen in the two pictures above, they can range over varying degrees of ornateness. This is yet another way for Whitman to show how every individual is connected to one another even through things as simple as fire-dogs.

Brendon’s Image Gloss

“Where cheese-cloth hangs in the kitchen, and andirons straddle the hearth-slab…”

Andiron: Either of a pair of metal supports for firewood used on a hearth and made of a horizontal bar mounted on short legs with usually a vertical shaft surmounting the front end. (Merriam-Webster)

Often cast in the form of a statue or with elaborate decorations. Also referred to as a fire-dog for its dog like appearance. (Encyclopedia-Britannica)

The andiron imagery in Whitman’s “Song of Myself” is one of the many ways in which he invokes the spirit of the common person. The andiron was a tool used by everyone but, as can be seen in the two pictures above, they can range over varying degrees of ornateness. This is yet another way for Whitman to show how every individual is connected to one another even through things as simple as fire-dogs.

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