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Visitor Center Script: Whitman’s Lincoln Lectures

presentation Arguably, Whitman loved his country more than almost anything else in his life. When Lincoln, who to Whitman “saved” the nation during the Civil War, was assassinated on April 14, 1865, Whitman was quick to respond. On April 16, 1865, he wrote, “…if one name, one man, must be picked out, he [Lincoln], most […] […]

T.Wood’s Final Project – Cinepoem – “City of Ships”

I couldn’t find a way to upload this file to the website, so I uploaded it to youtube! direct youtube link (if you want to watch it “fullscreen”) Final note: All music chosen for this cinepoem was either of the time that “City of Ships” was written (1865) or by local musicians in either Philadelphia […] […]

Emily for Dec. 3

So, I’ve been dealing with Whitman’s disciples this week, and how they each believed the good grey poet was more than human and that his work would survive in the future generations.  In some ways they were right.  Whitman’s poetry continues to be read.  He is remembered and has statues built in his image, libraries, […] […]

Visitors’ Center Script: Whitman’s Disciples, part three

My first disciple is John Burroughs.  Like Kevin explained about Maurice Bucke, Burroughs imagined himself a friend and disciple of Whitman before they had even met.  Burroughs acts as a loyal friend and defender to Whitman two years prior to meeting him:  “In 1862 he had frequently visited Pfaff’s beer cellar, a bohemian watering hole […] […]

Singley – Final Project Prezi

follow the link to my prezi for my final project: “The drum-corps’ rattle is ever to me sweet music” Whitman’s Drum Taps & Civil War Music final presentation notes […]

Adam B’s Vistor’s Center Script–Whitman’s Disciples–William Douglas O’Connor

WILLIAM DOUGLAS O’CONNOR Walt Whitman described William Douglas O’Connor as his “dear, dear friend, and stanch (probably stanchest) literary believer and champion. . .” (Loving, 1) O’Connor was born in Boston in 1833. He was a firebrand abolitionist and passionate supporter of  liberal causes.  At the age of 20, he became the associate editor of […] […]

Whitman Found

This picture was taken on Saturday, November 21 at approximately 3 pm. Where was I? at Starbucks, in Macy’s in Center City, Philadelphia […]

The United States to Old World Critics – Annotation


True Conquerors – Annotation


Emily’s Group Annotation for Election Day, November, 1884

My Annotation, or Taking it Apart, and Putting it Together Again First, I will reproduce the poem for easy access.  Please disregard the different font colors for now; I will explain what the colors mean, eventually. Election Day, November, 1884 If I should need to name, O Western World, your powerfulest scene and show, ‘Twould […] […]