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Click here to view the embedded video. […]

These I Singing in Spring–a cinepoem


Where Adam L Found Whitman

A VOICE FROM DEATH. (The Johnstown, Penn., cataclysm, May 31, 1889.) A VOICE from Death, solemn and strange, in all his sweep and power, With sudden, indescribable blow—towns drown’d—humanity by thousands slain, The vaunted work of thrift, goods, dwellings, forge, street, iron bridge, Dash’d pell-mell by the blow—yet usher’d life continuing on, (Amid the rest, […] […]

T.Wood’s Final Project – Cinepoem – “City of Ships”

I couldn’t find a way to upload this file to the website, so I uploaded it to youtube! direct youtube link (if you want to watch it “fullscreen”) Final note: All music chosen for this cinepoem was either of the time that “City of Ships” was written (1865) or by local musicians in either Philadelphia […] […]

Where Jayro found Whitman

Click here to view the embedded video. […]

Where Jillian Found Whitman

The poem in its entirety Come up from the fields, father, here’s a letter from our Pete, And come to the front door, mother, here’s a letter from thy dear son. Lo, ’tis autumn, Lo, where the trees, deeper green, yellower and redder, Cool and sweeten Ohio’s villages with leaves fluttering in the moderate wind, […] […]

Redesigning Looking for Whitman

As we all know by now, Whitman himself was intensely interested in typography and design, an interest that led him to design and redesign various editions of Leaves of Grass. As you’ve probably noticed, we’ve just completed a major first step in the redesign of our own web-based project. You should be seeing a new […] […]

Announcement: New Blog Feeds on Course Pages

After a discussion today with the other faculty members involved in “Looking for Whitman,” I added the feeds of two project blogs to all course pages: Announcements – project-wide announcements WhitTech – our tech-support blog Our hope is that adding these feeds to your course sites will increase the visibility of important posts that should […] […]

Welcome to Looking for Whitman!!

“Welcome Sign” by Flickr user davidking As Project Director of “Looking for Whitman,” it gives me great pleasure to welcome students from the University of Mary Washington, New York City College of Technology, Rutgers University-Camden, and University of Novi Sad to our project website! This is an exciting moment in higher education, when traditional methods […] […]

mobile mapping
