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Museum Exhibit

There is no doubt that most of us have an interest in Whitman and how he thinks, otherwise I don’t think many of us would be in this class! Clearly, his ideas and beliefs were so far ahead of their time; so perhaps his brain worked in ways that some of us can not even […] […]

Plumbing and Row Houses

“Camden was originally an accident, but I shall never be sorry I was left over in Camden. It has brought me blessed returns.” Whitman, Camden, and plumbing: Before we can look at houses like Whitman’s house on Mickle Street we have to look at what it was that made Whitman stay in Camden, the short […] […]

Walt and the Centennial Exhibition

Walt Whitman and the Centennial Exhibition  America does not repel the past or what it has produced under its forms or amid other politics or the idea of castes or the old religions. . . .  -Walt Whitman, Preface to Leaves of Grass  Walt originally wrote Song of the Exposition for the Annual Exhibition of […] […]

Walking-sticks, Gifts, Friends: Some Musings

Sometime around 1863, Walt Whitman met John Burroughs, became close friends with him, and accepted the gift of a walking stick from him.  This walking stick proves to be very important to Whitman, and its importance demonstrates values of the American culture. Before Whitman received the walking stick from Burroughs, he was using a cane/walking […] […]

Johnstown Flood–Adam’s Digital Museum (Singley)

On May 31, 1889, Walt Whitman’s seventieth birthday, 2,209 people were killed when the South Fork Dam failed, sending a wall rushing water and debris cascading into the riverside town of Johnstown, Pennsylvania. It was the largest civilian loss of life in American history up to that time (McCullough, 4). It was also one of […] […]

Thomas Eakins, The Gross Clinic & The Swimming Hole= Jennifer

For the Material Museum Culture Exhibit I was given the task of writing about Thomas Eakins paintings which are The Gross Clinic and The Swimming Hole. First, I would like to give a brief summary of Thomas Eakins so the readers can know his background and where his artwork ideologies may have come from. Thomas […] […]

Material Culture Museum Exhibit – Chestnut st. between Broad & Fourth sts.

Chestnut Street – Between Broad and Fourth Whitman’s writing directly connected to this material topic is “The First Spring Day on Chestnut Street” from Whitman’s Specimen Days collection. In this piece of prose from around 1880-1881, Whitman expresses his joy and satisfaction at the scene on “Chestnut street — say between Broad and Fourth,” and […] […]

Cultural Museum: Timber Creek & Laurel Springs, NJ

“…commenc’d going for weeks at a time, even for months, down in the country, to a charmingly recluse and rural spot along Timber creek, twelve or thirteen miles from where it enters the Delaware river. Domicil’d at the farm house of my friends, the Staffords, near by, I lived half the time along this creek […] […]

Jennica’s Digital Museum: Whitman’s Canary and the Bolton Group

Now, before you start jumping into questions like what in the world a canary has anything to do with America’s Good Gray poet, first think about what it means to be loved and admired. Just like in today’s pop culture, where famous stars would be flocked about with roaring fans and paparazzi, back in the […] […]

Christine’s Material Cultural Museum Exhibit: Telegraph

               The telegraph was developed for the purpose of uniting people across large distances, including a world-wide “civilization” of even the lowest of underdeveloped peoples. The first appearance of the electric telegraph in the United States was in 1828, invented by Harrison Dyar. Later, other versions of the electric telegraph were developed, including Joseph Henry’s […] […]