Archive for the Tag 'Timber Creek'

Cultural Museum: Timber Creek & Laurel Springs, NJ

“…commenc’d going for weeks at a time, even for months, down in the country, to a charmingly recluse and rural spot along Timber creek, twelve or thirteen miles from where it enters the Delaware river. Domicil’d at the farm house of my friends, the Staffords, near by, I lived half the time along this creek […]

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Whitman is following me…

As I was reading Chapter 15 of Reynold’s Walt Whitman’s America, I realized that he’s following me… or maybe I’m following him (rather unconsciously I’ll admit).  During his Camden years, Whitman befriended the Stafford family, who owned a farm outside of Camden.  This family still has living members today, all of whom live in or […]

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