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fabfab for nov 17

November 17th, 2009 by fabfab


I dreamt of Frank Evans…..

It must have been a few sentences into the third chapter, sleep won over me and shut me down. I saw my self dismounting out of the horse wagon, Frank Evans and all the rest of the passengers also getting off. Me and Frank had come to the city to make our fortune. As i fell asleep i placed myself in the description Whitman was narrating in the book Franklin Evans or The Inebriate.I had traveled with Frank , the elderly country woman, John Colby, Demaine and the middle aged man on this journey to new york via horse wagon. We arrived at  the Brooklyn ferry, right by the river to cross over to new york. Me and Frank soon took a ferry across the river and began looking for a place to stay, we visited many residences which were all very interesting. Finally waking up, a book for a pillow is not good, but a book for causing a dream is good.

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fabfab f0r NoV 1o

November 8th, 2009 by fabfab


(Above: The Brooklyn Historical Society library)

Last class we met at the Brooklyn Historical Society, the BHS saves many records dating back hundreds of years. such records like historic atlases, land conveyances, Old Brooklyn Directories, Brooklyn & Long Island  scrapbook Collection, an Image Data Base, Real Estate Brochure Collections and Architectural books. The list goes on about has many great resources the BHS has to offer, on our class visit our guide taught me how to use Microfiche. They had historical atlases on the Microfiche as well as on microfilm, first you find what year you want to look at, then you chose what neighborhood you want to see, you place the microfiche under the scope and the image is displayed on a monitor. This is a great way to keep lots of records of any size, even though when looking at the microfiche you might become a bit confused.  Below is a picture of the scope where you place the microfiche and the microfilm, then you rotate the knob to focus and slide the fiche around until you have the exact location your looking at, one thing i did not like about the microfiche was that it was not in color, only black and white images were displayed and that can be unhelpful.



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