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October 16th, 2009 by fabfab

In Walt Whitman’s new york, chapter fourteen talks about the origin of the NYC fire department. he explains how the fireman were chosen and what were their means of combating fires. in this chapter he also mentions the original fire house located in FRONT street, near FULTON. I went to these streets mentions and found no firehouse. searched on line and found this picture on the NY public library website, it is a view of the bridge and the neighborhood in 1978, even though Whitman talks about this location in 1785, this picture gives you a sense of the neighborhood looked in the past.oldoldfultonice cream

In both pictures you can see the ice cream house which is still very famous and still highly visited.

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  1. Prof. Gold said,

    on October 16th, 2009 at 9:33 pm

    I’m glad to see that you did your “now and then” post, and this is a great space to have chosen. But it would have been interesting to see the current-day view from the same perspective as one from which the “then” photograph was taken. Would it be possible for you to find a “then”
    photo that puts us closer to Whitman’s time in Brooklyn (ie., pre-1862)? 1978 doesn’t get us close enough. And, speaking of Whitman’s time, please check over your dates — Whitman wasn’t born until 1819.

    Thanks. I look forward to seeing your revised post.

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