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fabfab for oct 27

October 27th, 2009 by fabfab

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I  took this video at the Brooklyn bridge pier;

” others will enter the gates of the ferry and cross from shore to shore,

others will watch  the run of the flood-tide,

others will see the shipping of Manhattan north and west, and the heights of Brooklyn to the south and east,

others will see the islands large and small;

fifty years hence, others will see them as they cross, the sun half

an hour high,

a hundred years hence, or ever so many hundred years hence,

others will see them”

Whitman(leaves of grass P317)

Sadly i was not one of the people who crossed the ferry but Whitman was right,

a hundred years hence people are still crossing, and as i people are still watching the run of the flood-tide,

how did Whitman, or why did Whitman see people a hundred years in the future still doing the same things?

will it still be this way a hundred years from now?

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fabfab for oct 20

October 19th, 2009 by fabfab


While reading chapter 5 of Justin Kaplan’s Walt Whitman: A  life (1980)

 I read about Walt whitman’s claims of “dashing the novel off in three days”


of it.” (pg105) mention” George Whitman recalled that Walt never took any pride in his book. “Quite the contrary. He rather disliked or laughed at the

The book he is talking about here is Frank Evans or the inebriate, Walt Whitman was said to not have put time and effort into this book, he once told his friend Horace trauble that he wrote the novel under the influence of alcohol, drunk off of whiskey and gin. Even so the novel still became one of his best selling novels of all time.                                                                                                            

why was whitman discouraged from putting more effort into the novel?. maybe he was scared of the reaction by the public…

after the release of the novel, whitman seemed more into the book, recommending it to readers.

maybe he did not predict the book to be so popular.

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image gloss

October 17th, 2009 by fabfab

“the big doors of the country-barn stand open and ready,

the dried grass of the harvest-time loads the slow-drawn wagon,

the clear light plyas on the brown gray and green intertinged,

the arm fuls are packed to the sagging mow.”



I study architecture, and when someone mentions any type of structure or building i picture it in my head, on page 36 of leaves of grass, Whitman is describing  big barn doors of a country-barn, i picture the image above. barns have always been a certain shape; big massive doors, large sloping roof, and mostly made of wood. when i read Whitman and picture the place he is speaking about i am transported there and visualize the event as a movie.

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October 16th, 2009 by fabfab

In Walt Whitman’s new york, chapter fourteen talks about the origin of the NYC fire department. he explains how the fireman were chosen and what were their means of combating fires. in this chapter he also mentions the original fire house located in FRONT street, near FULTON. I went to these streets mentions and found no firehouse. searched on line and found this picture on the NY public library website, it is a view of the bridge and the neighborhood in 1978, even though Whitman talks about this location in 1785, this picture gives you a sense of the neighborhood looked in the past.oldoldfultonice cream

In both pictures you can see the ice cream house which is still very famous and still highly visited.


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