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Quaker Meeting

Ohio Yearly Meeting - Widely considered to be the closest thing left to George Fox's Meeting. World-wide base of affiliate members.

Athens Christian Friends Meeting - a small Christian Quaker meeting in Athens, Greece. English Content.

Crossroads Friends - Monthly meeting in various locations in Michigan. Information and resource website updated regularly.

Friends in Christ Meeting for Worship - New conservative Friends worship group in northern Michigan.

Quakers Online Community - an online gathering hoping to provide fellowship to isolated friends and those looking to expand their relationships. Complete with chatroom, membership profiles, mailboxes etc.

Quaker writing



quaker info

Quaker Book - is an Amazon affiliate that supports our ministry. Buy books from Amazon through our portal and 15% of the sales goes towards supporting QuakersOnline Ministry.

Quaker Heritage Press aims to restore and make available early historical Quaker writings that have gone out of print.

Quaker Review - Weekly news bulletin and product review site critiquing everything from movies to books to music... from the Quaker perspective.

The Conservative Friend - An Unofficial Outreach of Ohio Yearly Meeting of Friends.

Christian Quaker - a great resource for anyone interested in Conservative Christian Quakerism.

New Quaker - a great resource for new quakers.

Light of Christ - Christian Quaker resource center. Content in Greek.

Religious Society of Friends - a brief description of the various forms and beliefs covering the many sects of Quakerism.

QuakersOnline Internet Services - A quaker run web and graphic design service opening for business in the Spring of 2008.

quaker mission

Quakers Online Ministry - an internet mission hoping to minister to people in all corners of the world in various languages.

Quakers In Romania - Internet mission to establish a Quaker presence in the Country of Romania. Content in Romanian.

Quakers in Greece - an online community in Greek for those who are interested in the Religious Society of Friends, but don't have the opportunity to fellowship.

Conservative Quakers of Canada - an aspiring movement towards the original beliefs and traditions of our founders. Based in Calgary, Canada. (No physical meetings as of yet.)

cool websites

Quaker is the New Punk! - "Renegade Quaker", Jim Heil's, quakerblog site. The rules have all changed.

Quaker Jane - A plain-dressing Quaker in Denver, Co. shares her passion for plain dress and Quakerism.

Quaker Anne - A plain Quaker in Michigan who writes children's farm stories with Christian emphasis and features them at her site along with plain dress information.

Quaker Quotes - Famous quakers and the things they have written or said. Arranged by author and subject.

The Rosewater Foundation - a charity supporting the continuation and development of Online Communities.

Gypsy Bees - Quaker family run business provides raw local honeys, pure beeswax candles, herbal-based holistic skin care products, and hand-crafted items from our Amish neighbors. Front-door, Farmer's Market, internet, and mail-order sales.

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Prominent Figures in
Quaker History

George Fox Images
George Fox
George Fox
(July 1624 - January 13, 1691) was an English Dissenter and a major early figure - usually considered the founder - of the Religious Society of Friends, commonly known as the Quakers. Living in a time of great social upheaval, he rebelled against the religious and political consensus by proposing an unusual and uncompromising approach to the Christian faith. His journal is a text known even among non-Quakers for its vivid account of his personal journey. More...
George Fox Quotes

William Penn Images
William Penn
(October 14, 1644 - July 30, 1718) founded the Province of Pennsylvania, the English North American colony that became the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. Well ahead of his time, Penn wrote and urged for a Union of all the English colonies in what was to become the United States of America. The democratic principles that he set forth in the Pennsylvania Frame of Government served as an inspiration for the United States Constitution. As a pacifist Quaker, Penn considered the problems of war and peace deeply, and included a plan for a United States of Europe, "European Dyet, Parliament or Estates," in his voluminous writings. More...
William Penn Quotes

James Nayler Images
James Nayler
(1618 - 1660) According to some of his contemporaries, James Nayler was the pre-eminent leader of early Quakers. He is best known outside Quaker circles for his messianic entry into Bristol in October, 1656. The incident resulted in a famous blasphemy trial and the vicious punishment of Nayler which Leo Damrosch associates with a Puritan crackdown on enthusiasm. What is remarkable about Nayler's case is that the Second Parliament of Cromwell's Protectorate devoted ten days to the matter. More...
James Nayler Quotes

Mary Dyer Images
Mary Dyer
(1611? - June 1, 1660) Quaker martyr in Massachusetts, England. She accompanied (1635) her husband to Massachusetts and supported Anne Hutchinson, whom she followed to Rhode Island, where her husband held several public offices. In 1650 she returned to England and there joined the Society of Friends (Quakers). On her return to America (1657) she was arrested in Boston and banished, but twice returned (1659, 1660) to minister to imprisoned Quakers. Twice arrested by Massachusetts authorities and condemned to be hanged both times, she was reprieved in 1659 but was subsequently executed in 1660. More...
Mary Dyer Quotes
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